Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Using What You Have on Hand for Spring

Spring break around here! I know many of you are also on spring break. Nothing much is going on, including decorating for Spring and Easter. It is just not going to happen to the extent that it does some years. That's ok. We will still have spring baskets with goodies, do the usual egg dying and top it off with an egg hunt on my parents property. Hopefully nice weather will be involved, but you never know around here. My hubby was at lunch today with a friend and they looked out and saw snow flurries.

So, as to not completely miss decorating with a bunny somewhere, I ran out this afternoon and rescued a pollen encrusted bunny from our patio. Sure, a coat of white paint would have been fabulous, but I didn't have any and if I waited to do this, it wouldn't have happened.

Do you have violets in your yard? We do---along with our dandelion collection. So I dug some up---with a pair of old scissors---yes, didn't even go in and get a shovel---again, waiting would have caused it not to happen. Also dug some rose campion (looks like lamb's ear) and some succulent type plants.

Add violets and others plants to a collection of little white containers found here and there in the cabinets. Victoria found the creamer that goes with my dishes at Goodwill for $1.21,

the two gravy dishes were included with the cheap platter (bought for Thanksgiving), the wonderful au gratin dish was given to me by my mother and father in law--a whole set of them. The small white pot came from Ikea for 49 cents. I can't believe I only bought one. Victoria did buy three---much smarter than me.

For my kitchen table I pulled out an interesting gold platter/plate also found at Goodwill. I added a cloche that Victoria found while thrifting for $1.51. She found six of them and generously gave me two. So, what's a girl to do---add two beautiful heads of garlic, of course. Garlic is springy...yes??

I then added a beautiful green apple from the fruit bowl and a fake!! yes, fake plant from Ikea. It looks very real and doesn't need water!! That's a winner in my book.

Added some brown paper bag and twine to hide the ugly pot. My first thought was burlap, but I was too lazy to get it out right then. The brown paper bag gives it a kitchen sorta look. You know, like when the butcher cuts you a piece of meat and wraps it in butcher paper--well that seldom happens here, but it's a nice thought. You can even see laundry in the background. That is what my table was covered with when I took the pictures. Life! Live it! Laundry and all. Oh, and add some garlic to a cloche! ; )

Edited to add: Here are some more pictures of the tray on my kitchen table now that the laundry is gone. It was $3.something at Goodwill. I love the gold with lots of bits coming off. Not sure what it was, but I may eventually add a monogram on it and hang it on the wall. This is one of those favorite finds that though small and inexpensive, I really love.

Here is one of the edges.

Isn't it pretty?

Happy Tuesday!! Off to check some of your blogs.



Amelia said...

Your arrangements are very picturesque - so springy looking - and best part...not much money involved...just an outstanding decorating mind.

That gold tray (even though couldn't see much) looks fabulous.

Happy Easter!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

I like the violets in the white cups and bits. And it is perfect that you dug them up with scissors--that made me smile! LOL!

~ Sarah

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

I love the flowers and greenery in the pretty white dishes. Makes me want to do the same...I have NO spring decorations in my house this year! Just too much work. Hopefully next year? :)

Tracy said...

Hi Christina,
I really love your violets in the white cups, gravy boats, creamers, etc. What a great idea! I also loved your other display ideas. Really terrific tips.


Maisy said...

girl. you did an awesome job.
you are so creative. love it!!
yeah for goodwill!

Unknown said...

I love your arrangements! I'm like you. It has to be quick and easy or it's not going to happen.

Victoria said...

Oh I love the idea of the violets in the creamer! I haven't put anything in my white planters...maybe this will motivate me.

Still am loving that old gold tray too!

Melissa said...

Christina~I love what you came up with! You're always so creative with using what you have and pull together the most lovely vignettes. Have a wonderful Easter!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Great minds must think alike - Kelli (There's No Place Like Home) just did the same thing - dug up violets from her yard! Very pretty!


Darlene said...

Everything looks so BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE your bunny...I would leave it just as it is. Aren't cloches just wonderful?!? Hope you have a great day!♥

Katie said...

I love the bunny on the platter what good finds.. Love the cloches awesome finds..

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous little touches you have created around your home!
Thanks for stopping by my blog Christina and leaving such a lovely comment!
Hope you are enjoying your Easter.
Best wishes,