Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Good deals

It has been raining for awhile here in Ga so my Sweet Girl and I decided to venture out to the mall today. We don't go there very often but when we do we have to do a few things.

1) Ride in the glass elevator at Sears
2) Play on the playground inside the mall
3) Meet up with Daddy to eat lunch (since his work is only about 10 min from the mall)

Today we went to Gap where I had a gift card to spend. The Gap in our mall is closing so I found a lot of great deals including these two shirts for my husband for $3.97 each!

I also hit what was left of the Target Christmas clearance which was 90% off.

Tinsel Christmas tree for 99 cents

Christmas cards for next year for 69 cents each - grand total of $2.76 for 64 cards. Hmmmm I wonder what the chances are that I'll pull these out early and get them addressed before Dec?

Little 18" high pine tree for 59 cents

Tags, garland and an "A" for Sweet Girl. All were 19 or 29 cents.

Gift boxes to package cookies or other goodies for 19 and 29 cents. Love the buttons on the first one.

Love these little feather wreaths from Sears Christmas clearance. Probably my most expensive purchase at 99 cents.

I also got 2 rolls of Scotch tape for 10 cents! Who knew that Scotch tape is seasonal?1?!?! It was so seasonal that it didn't even come up in the Target system anymore!

Melissa over at 320 Sycamore did a post today on her yearly calendar and how she marks down the sales that each store has. What a wonderful idea! I have never done this but plan to start this year. I will use the info she posted on the sales and see if the stores here in Ga run their sales along the same time tables.



Darlene said...

It sounds like you got some really good deals! I think I need to take a trip to my Target store. The nearest one is about an hour and ten minutes away :(

Unknown said...

wow you did good! It has been raining in my part of GA too I should not complain except our basement flooded today yuck!

Amelia said...

Fabulous bargains you and little girl found while out shopping. Great way to start the year.

We could use some of that rain you have been experiencing...send some this way.

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Oh my goodness, I need to get to a target and get some of those goodies. The great deals are the most fun. Jackie

Anonymous said...

Awesome deals! Seriously though, if they can sell it for that cheap now, how much of a profit were they making a full price. crazy.

Also, needed the rain here in GA badly but isn't it time it stopped already! Where's the sunshine?

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Good finds. Who knew that tape was seasonal? I guess that means we don't need to wrap presents until next CHRISTmas???? LOL



Katie said...

I got the tape to but it was 29 Cents from Target it was the satin purple pack. I scanned it and I was doing the happy dance but then I went back to get more and another lady took the other 5 packs. Darn well at least she was nice and got a good deal.

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a fun day and found a lot of great deals!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

Great bargains! Sometimes when it is rainy and gross, the mall sounds like a cozy place to be...I can relate! One mall I used to live near even had special private rooms for nursing mothers, can you believe that? I used to go all the time when my daughter was small. Thanks for visiting me today! :)

Empty Nest Full Life said...

You've been "tagged". Check my blog. Jackie