Wednesday, September 16, 2009

DIY Day - Dress

My DIY "day" started awhile ago. I wanted to learn something new this year and I decided sewing would be just the thing. During the summer I took a 2 night basic sewing course. When I say "basic" it was BASIC. We learned all about the different machines, how to sew a straight line, that scissors are really "shears" and the difference between "pressing" and "ironing". We did make a pillowcase but when finished with the class I was disappointed because I did not feel prepared to sew anything from a pattern.
(pillow case)

Upon visiting the same shop a few weeks later, a little dress on a form caught my eye and I decided I was going to attempt to make it for my 4 year old. Christina helped me pick out coordinating fabric and I took it all home.
Then it stayed in the bag for oh, another month until I went to my Mom's one Saturday morning for breakfast. I showed my Mom the pattern and she whipped out some shears and with her direction I managed to get the dress cut out. Flash forward another couple of weeks and the fabric and pattern are back in the bag. I was too stinking scared to start on the dress! I didn't have a clue what to do and was so afraid I would fail I just never even started.
I talked with my Aunt one day and she mentioned that she would be in my area later in the week so I asked her to come by and help me get started on the dress. That night I thought "doggone it...I am going to start this dress all by myself" and I did! I started and found that surprisingly it wasn't as hard as I thought to read the pattern!

My Aunt did come by and helped me figure out attaching the sleeves to the bodice and I went back to work on it. Later my sister Beth came by and helped me with another section I was struggling with and then little by little I worked on the dress at night doing one section at a time, all the while amazed that I was actually sewing a dress!
(first ever pocket!)

I had two things going through my mind while making the dress. First "done is better than perfect" (who said this? was it The Nester?) and the thought that I needed to finish the dress before my daughter grew into another size! This was motivation to get it done.

I was thrilled as I saw it coming together and you can only imagine my surprise and delight when I sewed the skirt on the bodice and then turned it all right side out and beheld my very first creation.
My daughter was thrilled with her dress and it will be one that I will keep forever!

Side note: For me, making this dress was so much more than just a dress! For years I have let fears of not doing something perfectly hold me back in so many areas, but now I feel like I can conquer the world. Okay, maybe not the world but why not that slipcover that I'm been pondering making? What's the worst that could happen? I am reminded of a verse that I have quoted often in my life...
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7

I have written this verse on my chalkboard so that every time I am in the kitchen I see it and am reminded NOT to be fearful!

Head on over to Kimba's to see what other fabulous things things people have done themselves!



Amelia said...

Having sewn more years than you are pleases me to see younger people to decide they can conquer the pattern and sewing world.

The dress is darling - and the model is top of the line - I know you are proud of both dress and daughter.

God was with you thru this learning process - sometimes we just have to lean on him more times than others.

jamie said...

Great job! The dress is adorable! The colors in the fabrics you used are so great!

Julie said...

The dress is adorable!! I have some fabric that I need to get working on, but have felt the same way. Thanks for the encouragement and sharing the 'journey of your dress'. =)

Darlene said...

Her dress is ADORABLE and fits her so perfectly!!! I can tell she LOVES it! What a great job and I know you are proud of yourself. Now, what are you going to sew next?

Heidi said...

super cute!!

Leslie said... did a terrific job! The pattern & fabric are really cute too. Hugs, Leslie

Susan B said...

You go girl!! Aren't you something special -- Yes you are!! I think it is just wonderful you set a goal and accomplished it.. the dress is precious..
Sewing is a skill you will so enjoy.. I love to sew , my daughter sews and my 97 yr. old mom in law still does too.
Don't be afraid to just get in there and try. That's what a seam ripper is for! ha.. just kidding..

★Carol★ said...

Great job on the dress! It's so cute, and the little model is adorable!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

The dress is darling. Good job!!!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Such a cute dress. I love the fabric and little pillow too! I have sewn a lot, and I still have some fear of just starting a project for fear that it won't turn out right. You did a great job. Jackie

Let it Shine said...

That is SOOOOOOOO cute! I have a little girl, and can't wait to try this!

Taylor said...

super cute!

Christi said...

such a cute dress! thanks for stopping by my blog, too!

Sachiko said...

The dress is so cute! You have done such a nice job!

Christina said...

I am very proud of what you accomplished. Way to go for sticking with and finishing a project. I look forward to seeing AGS in her new dress.

Anonymous said...

darling dress, especially with the hat! darling daughter!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

You did a great job on that dress! It's so cute! Good for you for trying something new. I'm trying to sew more - it takes me forever to figure things out. But the more I do it the more comfortable I become.

Your daughter is a cutie!


Katie said...

sewing can be hard I think you did wonderful I am not very good at all. I make stuff without a pattern and it looks good from a distance but don't get to close. I love the dress and I would buy one from you that is how cute it is.