Friday, August 29, 2008

Time Flies When Your Children are Growing Up

My daughter Chloe is turning nine today. For some reason I'm a little weepy. She is such a joy and is growing into a very creative person. I love this because it is something we are able to share together. She is also trying out photography, which is another love we share.

Here are two recent butterfly photographs that she took. Her hand must be sturdier than mine, because I have the hardest time photographing butterflies. I think we may have them printed and framed.

This is how she recently served strawberries. So much luciousness is a pretty glass.

She can also make a delicious loaf of wheat bread in the bread machine. The recipe she uses came from her piano teacher. If you are ever looking for a great whole wheat bread recipe, try this:

Jodie's Whole Wheat Bread

1 egg
1 cup of water (between 120-140 degrees)
2 Tablespoons canola oil
1/3 cup honey (can use less)
3 1/3 cups whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons yeast (one package rapid rise)
1 1/2 teaspoons salt

Put the dough paddle in the bread machine pan. Place ingredients in the order listed above. Crack egg into bowl, then pour into pan. Make a well in the center of the flour. Place yeast and salt in the well.

Place your bread machine on the whole wheat cycle or according to your bread machine's instructions.

Thanks for bearing with me as I celebrate my baby having a birthday. Hope you all have a safe and wonderful Labor Day weekend. If we don't post more this weekend, see you all next week.


Victoria said...

It makes me teary eyed too seeing lil' Chlo so big now! She is such a sweet niece and big cousin to Amelia! We were looking at Amelia's baby book and a picture of Chloe feeding her when Chlo was about 6 1/2 years old. She has always been a sweetie and a little Mommy!

Happy Birthday!

Aunt Vic

Darlene said...

Happy Birthday are beautiful!!! I LOVE those butterfly photos you took and I do definitely think you need to have your mom frame them....GREAT artwork! served the strawberries in a beautiful way!

Happy, happy Birthday today!!!!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

Your daughter is so pretty and I love the photos of her. Beautiful hair! It is scary how fast time flies. Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Shell in your Pocket said...

My son turned 9 last was hard for me and bitter's almost like you are at the half way point! We just need to treasure every minute and hold their hand as long as possible...
-Sandy Toes

Sarah Kate said...

Those are beautiful pictures of her and beautiful pictures that she took. I could really use her in my photography club at school. Thanks for the recipe.

Anonymous said...

They all grow up too soon don't they. She's a beauty! Happy Birthday to her.

Thanks for stopping by my blog it's so nice to meet you!


Meg said...

She really has grown up and you can really tell by those pictures. I can't believe she took those butterfly pics. They look professional. I especially like the first one where its wings are spread. I'll see y'all this weekend?

trish said...

Happy Birthday Chloe. :o) Your blog entry touched my heart. Time really does go by. Too quickly.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

Christina said...

You are all so sweet to wish Chloe a Happy Birthday. We were so busy on Friday and I hadn't even told her I posted about her.

When we were home again, I called her over and read the post and then said, "you have comments." She just beamed when I read them. She says thank you for the birthday wishes and comments on her pictures!

From my heart, thank you!!

Oh, and Victoria and Meg, now you have to dodge two crazy people with cameras when we get together.

Anonymous said...

She's so beautiful! It's wonderful that she is so creative and enjoys it so much. That picture of the butterfly is incredible!