Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Projects with words and something scary

Use Wordle:
Look at this great wordle idea over at Just A Girl. Actually, her whole post is full of great ideas!
Here is an idea that I had for wordle using your last name. I did make one of these for my family picture wall, but wasn't sure if I wanted to post my last name for all of the world to see, so below I'm using the word Sample. Hope you understand.
Type your last name into wordle. Use a combination of small and capital letters, like this:

You will end up with something like this:

You can play around with it, changing font, colors and the orientation of the words, until you like the results.

Chalk it up:

Write on black card stock (or in this case the black cardboard that came with the picture frame) with chalk. Add a picture and hang.

Here I took a stained fruit picture that was in a greenish antiqued picture frame and painted it all black. This was long before blogging, so I have no before picture. I then place it on the piano, with some loving words written in chalk.

I am working hard on motivating my son to practice piano. He has a talent, but he is also almost twelve. He really doesn't give me a hard time, but motivation is key.

The Scary:
Ok ladies, please do not abandon our blog after you see this picture. I am working on having a better looking laundry room. The shelves are just catch-alls for all types of things with no rhyme or reason. My dryer is never cleaned off. Just a few days ago, I had a pile of laundry a mile high on top. Over the weekend, I whittled it down to this. There is also some dirty laundry on the floor, but I decided this picture was painful enough. Stay tuned. I want a prettier laundry room. There is a pretty chair and a piece of art or two that belong here, but I'll wait to show you those once the other part is brought out of the uglies.



Darlene said...

Oh, my laundry room is way worse than that....not like a lot of these bloggers that post their perfectly beautiful laundry rooms...I don't think that will EVER happen.

Love the crafts...I am going to have to go check out that wordle. I remember piano and I hated practicing too. Hopefully, your son will end up practicing and keep it up because I sure wish I had.

Christina said...


I couldn't stand taking or practicing piano either. Oh, it was torture. Ian really loves it, but we still have those moments. He also plays mostly by ear and his piano teacher, unlike many, does encourage that. She does want him to learn notes and that is the "fight".

I probably should have taken a picture of the floor too. : ) My ultimate motivation is that my husband can't stand for me to have stuff on top of the dryer (our lint drawer is on top). He often does laundry, but is much neater about it than me. He hangs thing up, I pile them.

Oh, and wordle is habit forming!

Mimi Sue said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. That Nester is fabulous. I love the chalkboard ideas. When I have more time I will be back for a visit.

Anonymous said...

The word thing looks interesting. i'll have to go check that out.

Julie Willis said...

You girls sure have some cute ideas! Thanks for stopping by...I'll be checking in for more cute ideas! I really liked sweet girls bedroom. I'm trying to figure out the little chickadees bedroom at this time. I think we may have to got to some form of Superman made bunker beds (as the girls call them). Yuck!
I'll keep you in pray with the Fay thing. Julie

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

The laundry room project is intriguing...I love to see what people come up with when they get motivated! Mine looked oh-so-similar to yours and then one day we found a white cabinet on clearance at Lowes and it kick started the motivation for me! Can't wait tosee what you do! Also, thanks for visiting me today, I have really enjoyed your blog!

Carry Grace said...

I can't wait to see what you do in your laundry room. I love laundry rooms, but I don't have one.

Lee said...

Oh good golly miss molly is your ideas for projects with words good! I am so happy The Nester connected us all this way.

Your laundry room doesn't have anything on mine! Lordy, girl. At least yours has shelves. Mine has everything on the floor including things that don't belong. I always feel like singing the Sesame Street song when I go in there...."which of these things doesn't belong here, which of these things isn' the same...." After glncing through your blog, I have every confidence you will make your laundry room into a place I'd want to snuggle up next to the dryer in and read a book!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. We are so anxious to get our girls HOME. When I visited Haiti in January it truly was physically painful to leave them behind. When you hear about heart break....it's true. You feel it with every ounce of your being. I find comfort in knowing God has a plan and it will work out in His perfect timing!

Meg said...

Hey, I wish my laundry room looked like that! I LOVE the chalk idea... will be stealing it!

Sarah Kate said...

I love the wordle thing. I see great Christmas card potential. I also played around with putting some verses into it. You can cut and paste a verse from biblegateway.com and then tell the program to exclude common english words. I am just so excited!