Friday, August 27, 2010

Pizza Pie

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Who doesn't enjoy ordering a pizza from time to time? It's fun. It's good. It's convenient after a hard week. A local pizza joint with good pizza and a must have Greek salad or occasionally even Papa John's comes to call. You put your feet up, turn on a movie and not the oven.

But, for those other times we turn our kitchen into a pizzeria. I thought you all might enjoy the recipe.

Make. this. pizza. Three Cheese Garden Pizza. Really. Guys, my kiddos beg for this pizza. In fact Chloe thinks this might be her birthday dinner choice.

This is a Pampered Chef recipe. I love some of their things and some I can do without. Kitchen items that come into this house have to help me and not hinder or just make more clean up. We all have good knife skills, so I don't need every little gadget known to man to get the job done. Their stones are one thing that I adore and have invested in. Not all of them, but enough. They also stand behind their warranty. Wonder how I know that? More than once...

At the PC party we used the refrigerated pizza crust (that the recipe calls for) and the pizza was delicious, but Chloe and I love to work with yeast dough, so we make our own crust. It is like the smell of a gourmet pizza shop in your kitchen.. A quick pizza crust version can be found here. Make sure that you add the right amount of salt. I'm not a careful measurer, but with this dough it is crucial.

Here is our wonderful partially baked pizza crust brushed with olive oil and fresh garlic.

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Start layering.

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Ready for the oven.

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My son is not a super picky eater, but sliced onions and tomatoes would not be on his list of favorites. Mine either, and we both love this pizza. I don't love mushrooms on pizza, but this is another exception. They are not slimy if cut fresh.

A few tweak notes: We usually add spinach and/or bell peppers between the veggies layers. We also use olive oil to brush on the pizza crust instead of vegetable oil.

Oops, I almost didn't get a picture. Only one piece left when I thought of the camera.

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When I went to run my dishwasher tonight it even smelled like a pizzeria.

p.s. I am in no way affiliated with Pampered Chef, nor was I paid to mention their baking stones.



  1. Looks daughter has one of the PC stones and she loves it.

  2. Thanks for the quick little tutorial! I have a PC baking stone, and I've tried making pizza on it once, and I had a problem with the crust sticking to the stone. I'm going to give it another try, because you've definitely got me hungry for some homemade pizza now!

  3. YUM that pizza looks delicious!! I LOVE my PC stones. I keep my big round one in the oven all the time and it is so seasoned and perfect.

  4. We love a good homemade pizza every now and then too. I haven't tried this recipe yet. But I sure will - looks delish. I love PC stones too. They're a must have.

  5. Hmmm... think you still owe me a dinner from my baby's birth... this sounds perfect :0)

    your FAV non-bloggin' SIL. x

  6. I have several of the pampered chef items that i love. The stones are my favorites. This sounds good, and so much healthier for you. I need to try this recipe I think we would definitely like it. Other than sewing my finger last night, we are almost done with the bumper pads. Have a great weekend. Jackie

  7. oh yumm! We love pizza (had it for lunch today). My family loves pesto instead of sauce and then veggies and a variety of cheeses. I don't have any PC things! I need to get one of those pizza stones!


  8. I really like the look of that pizza. I also completely understand slimy mushrooms and how gross that can be so good to know about cutting them fresh.

  9. Ack, my comment disappeared. Lets try this again. That pizza looks yummy! I'm not good at doing pizza dough but I use my stone for reheating Papa Johns and it works great!
