Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tomatoes and a Lamp

What do tomatoes and a lamp have in common? Nothing at all. I just couldn't think of a better title for this post.

I haven't been around blogland much lately visiting or posting so I told myself to get over here and post something so Victoria won't find a new blogging partner.

Recently we picked up this lamp for $5.00 at a garage sale. I need another lamp like I need a hole in my head but somehow that didn't stop me.



I decided to add a drum shade for a fresher look.



We have been enjoying tomatoes from Chloe's garden. She has done all of the work for these tomatoes and we and she are very happy.


Add cucumber, red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper to taste. We can't get enough.


Hope you are enjoying you summer.



  1. Been missing you two sisters and your life happenings...but must admit I too have not been posting much in blogland...face book is another story.

    Loved the way the lamp turned out.

    Fresh tomatoes and other garden items are wonderful eating - of which we have been enjoying the last several weeks.

  2. a girl after my own heart! I have so many lamps and I do just this. Imagine them w/another shade and paint the base! Tomatoes, I am waiting for one to show a bit of pink! My cukes though...way behind. Meanwhile, I'm buying tomatoes and making salsa cruda w/ the surplus of jalapenos from the garden!

  3. I just found your blog. The tomatoes and cucumbers look good. I have lots of cucumbers growing in my yard.
    now following you


  4. The summer has me going in many different directions, so I haven't posted much either. Great lamp and you've got me wishing that I had planted tomatoes. Have a blessed day. Jackie

  5. I was momentarily confused by your post title. But so relieved that you didn't put tomatoes ON your lamp.

    They both look delicious.

  6. Love the lamp! I just changed out a few lamps to have drum shades too. It really does give a lamp a more updated look. Yum for fresh tomatoes!


  7. Looks like a wonderful recipe for tomatos and cucumbers. I have been wondering what to do with all of mine - now I know. Wanted to let you know I will be posting soon on my painting techniques as well as the paint and glazing formula you asked about. Thanks for your question.

  8. Love the lamp!! I am hosting a jewelry giveaway on my blog. Would love to see you there!
