Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Number Trend the Trash to Treasure Way

How about a little trash to treasure today? I bought this little tarnished gold (ick) tray at goodwill awhile back. I loved the shape and it was something like $1.30.

Last week I added a layer of dover white spay paint. The paint really brought out the scalloped edges that I love. Much better, but still a little plain. You know how numbers have been popping up everywhere for awhile now. I couldn't resist, but added a little twist----Roman numerals.
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I just printed them out, cut around them carefully and applied a thin layer of school glue on the back of each. This allowed me to reposition them for a few minutes before they were completely in place.

Added a hanger on back made with hot glue and wire the way I did in this post and I had this small bit of a trend for less than $1.50. Just look around and you can find ways to add little touches for very little money. A little spunk without spending a bunch on a trend that may be here today and gone tomorrow.
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Sticking with the number theme I also wanted to show you girls the little pitcher that I found on clearance at Marshalls last week. Isn't it adorable.
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Head over to Kimm at Reinvented to see more Trash To Treasure Tuesday.


  1. How awesome is that?
    I just thought how cute this would be with our anniversary day in numerals and asked the hubby what 17 was... I had to chuckle when he said XVII... just like yours LOL!

  2. You are so clever with the Roman numerals! I love how this project turned out! :)

  3. Love it...but must ask the meaning of the "17". The cutting of the numbers must have been the hardest part, wasn't it?

  4. I love the little platter. Girl - you are good with the scissors! :) And I can't believe that adorable pitcher lasted long enough to make it to the clearance aisle. No way!

  5. Chris, love the platter! It is amazing how the paint brings out the lines. Love the idea of the roman numerals too and the pitcher from Michael's.

  6. I love your tray. It looks very professional. Love!

  7. Your tray looks so cute! Numbers are very hot right now aren't they!


  8. I LOVE how the scalloped edge tray turned out and the numbers look fabulous. The little pitcher is adorable. LOVE both of them.

  9. How cute!! I love the idea of Roman numerals!

    I found the 1 pt. friend to your 1 qt. at TJ Maxx a couple months ago. I thought it was hilarious because the line from Lord of the Rings where one of the hobbits says, "What? It comes in pints?!" is a family joke over here!

  10. Wow, I love the transformation. And the scalloped edges really do become more pronounced with the white paint. The roman numerals are a great addition.


  11. Hi Girls...catching up over here. First, this scalloped dish painted white with the added Roman numerals is absolutely stunning now. Kudos!!!
    Also, thank you for sharing part of Tracy's 'Beneath My Heart' entries with us. I was very touched. Our family has been through some similar experiences, which makes our faith in the Savior all the more precious.
    And last, the new dress modeled by 'little princess' is completely adorable. It turned out SO professional and the fabric choices were perfect. Great job!!
    Take care,

  12. I live that and have the same tray thrift store find. I think I will paint mine too!

  13. I love it!! I really like the chalkboard and quote, too!

    Julie =)

  14. I love the tray. I see those at the salvation all the time. Well maybe not that big, but I never thought about painting them. I love the glueing numrals on to it. I bet I could do a Pink one with a Crown on it for my Girls room. I always love the ideas that you come up with! Thanks for sharing your inspiration!

    Have A Great Day!
