Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Things that make me happy

I was cleaning off my desk yesterday and came across this quote on a post-it note and had to share it.

Happiness, ..not in another place but this place, not for another hour but this hour.
~Walt Whitman~

As we all know, happiness comes in all forms and fashions. This morning seeing my $2 yard sale fruit holder filled with apples makes me happy.
Having a piece of my favorite birthday cake that one of my wonderful sisters made me...
and of course my Sweet Girl makes me so very happy!
The walk we are fixing to go on in cool air (a novelty here in Atlanta) also makes me very, very happy!

What makes you happy today?



  1. Loved hearing the things that made you happy...my philosophy is let the small things in life make you happy...money does not buy happiness- oh, I know we need it - but not worship it...Just worship the one and only God. Take care on your walk. Be sure to hug sweet girl up real tight - because in the blink of an eye she will not want you that close...part of that spreading of wings that all children must go thru.

    Hugs from Oklahoma

  2. Hello--
    I came over from Holly at Homebody.

    Happiness is...
    quiet times
    sittiing on the deck
    children's laughter
    cool fall day

    Have a great day!

  3. My poor sweet daughter Mallory is home sick from school today. That does not make me happy, but what does make me happy is getting to spend some special mommy time with her and only her. Love it!!!

  4. My sweet little puppy is making me happy today.
    Thank you for the quote!

  5. This beautiful weather is making me happy today. Hearing sweet things from my daughter makes me very happy. Being married to my wonderful husband makes me even happier. =)

    This is a fun post. It's great to get your mind off the everyday dreary things.

    Julie =)

  6. Awwww, sweetie. I love the things that make you happy. The picture of you and sweet girl is beautiful. The way you are looking at her makes me cry. You are such a wonderful mother (please take the compliment).

    Love your apples and the iron holder is awesome. And, yes, the weather we are having is too. Right up our alley.

  7. Ya know this year has been my year to find happiness in every day...even if it is just the color of the sunset or smell of coffee. It's there.

  8. Yes those thrifty yard sale finds make me smile, a phone call from my husband just to see how I am, my kids telling me they love me even though they are grown. Finding joy in today and not looking down the road for it. Have a blessed day. Jackie
