Vic--instead of finding a cool birthday cake picture I thought sending you a virtual Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte would be just the right thing. Maybe we can meet next week for the real thing--my treat.

I found this copycat recipe on the web for those who would like to try making this at home. I will save my pennies and go for the real thing, but it might be worth a try. Honestly adding canned pumpkin to a drink myself would ruin it for me. The reviews look good though.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Our forecast call for more rain, but the weather is suppose to be more fall like next week. We are ready for it.
Happy Birthday Victoria! Love you.
And I want to say Happy Birthday to Victoria as well...and for her to enjoy the special day.
Stay dry, ya'll!
Happy, HAPPY Birthday Victoria!! Hope it is a great one!♥
Happy Birthday Victoria!
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