Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Beautiful Picture of Faith

If you have not "met" Traci over at Beneath My Heart, you are in for a real treat. She has a beautiful home and some lovely makeovers on her blog. But the reason I call attention to her blog today is because something even more beautiful has been in her blog posts recently--her mom and and a beautiful picture of faith.

In August her mother was diagnosed with an advanced stage of gastric cancer. She has shared her heart with us in blogland and through Traci we were able to meet and pray for her dear mother. Christ's love was so evident even as she progressed though the very quick battle. Here is one of the most heartwarming posts that Traci wrote about the kind of person her mother was.

Early this morning her mother lost her earthly battle with cancer leaving the arms of her loved ones to be in the arms of her Lord.

On August 18th, Traci wrote this post and I wondered how she was going through all of this and somehow she was encouraging me....

From Traci's blog post dated Aug. 18th.

"I wanted to share with you what we found out today at Mom's appointment.

She definitely has cancer in her stomach and it has spread to her liver. They are 95% sure that it is gastric cancer. They are going to analyze the sample from the biopsy a little more to try to identify it more specifically.

Unfortunately, none of it can be removed surgically.

She will be starting chemotherapy next Thursday.

The doctor said her life expectancy will be about a year depending on how she responds to the chemotherapy.

It wasn't the news we hoped for.

My heart hurts. And it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

But my God is a God of Hope.

I wish more than anything that each of you could meet my mom, hear her sweet voice, and enjoy the warmth of her hugs. She has walked with Jesus for over 40 years, and continues to face this trial with a heart full of faith and trust in her Lord and Savior.

She actually said tonight at the dinner table that she felt happy. And she means it. She said she just feels so overwhelmed by all the blessings God has given her. She keeps telling me not to look at this cancer as a curse, but as a blessing. So we are keeping our eyes wide open to see what God has in store for us.

And believe it or not, I have received so many blessings in the past week and a half since we found out mom had cancer.

One of them has been all of you that have been praying for us and encouraging me through your comments.

Another blessing has been the chance to just sit with my mom each day and soak up her goodness.

I have never loved her more.

I have never loved my husband and my children more.

I have never loved my life more.

I have never loved my Lord more.

My life will never be the same, and I am grateful.

I don't want to waste a minute of it.

I want to share the HOPE I have received with others.

I've realized that we ALL have struggles and trials that we are going through. Some worse than others, but none of which are less important to God.

I have a college friend whose mother was just diagnosed with liver cancer as well.
She has 3 to 6 months to live. I bought a card for her tonight to send to her.

I want to share it with you. I know that someone reading this post may need to be reminded of this, and I pray this encourages you...

God cares about every detail of your life.

He collects every tear in a bottle. Psalms 56:8

He numbers every hair on your head. Luke 12:7

He knows every hurt in your heart. Psalms 34:18

The Lord Knows

all you are going through.

He loves you, He cares for you,

and He will make sure

not one detail

is overlooked in your life.

The journey my mom has ahead of her will not be easy. I know there will be times that we will feel that we just can't make it another day. I would have never dreamed we would be dealing with this. But my Hope and Trust is in Jesus, and I know He will be our strength.

I covet your prayers. Pray that Mom would be strong enough to handle the chemo. Pray that the Lord would work a miracle through the medicines and would lengthen her days on earth with us.

Above all, may God be glorified.

God bless you all!


End of Traci's post


Well, Traci, I think we *were* able to meet your mom and we were able to see her faith. I hope this post does not seem stalkerish, but I know Victoria and I both have been praying for you and have been touched by your mother and your love for her.

Please remember Traci and her family in prayer.



  1. Thanks for sharing. I will be praying for them. I visited Traci's blog and she has an amazing faith as well as her mother's. Jackie

  2. Christina, you are awesome for sharing this. I feel like I am a better person for "knowing" Traci for 2 weeks~

  3. Hello Christina - thank you for reminding me of Traci's beautiful post. I did read it on her blog last month, but didn't know her Mama lost her battle. I will be lifting them up.

