Monday, July 20, 2009

Thrifty treasures

Oh yeah, this week it isn't just thrifty "finds" for me, it is thrifty "treasures"! :)

This baby was $1.00 at a scary yard sale. Do you know what I mean by "scary"? It's one of those that I wouldn't have stopped at by myself. Thankfully, my MIL was with me and my Sweet Girl decided to stay in the car due to their humongous dog! I have to admit, some of my best finds are at scary yard sales! Who would have thought two rednecks without their shirts on would have had this milkglass beauty???????
I bought this large mixing bowl at Goodwill for $4.00. I love the blue color! Not only is it the perfect color, I will use this beautiful piece often to hold salads and other items.

Oh and did you see my little birdie? .79 cents at Michael's! They had all their summer stuff on clearance for 60% off!
For years I have wanted a piano and had it on my "Wish List". When I was growing up I half-heartedly took lessons and over the years wish that I paid more attention. Recently a friend was having a yard sale and she was selling her piano! I bought it and this weekend my husband and some friends and family helped him move it. Sweet Girl and I are so excited!
Speaking of Sweet Girl, do you see her headband and flower??? I won it in a giveaway from Rachel over at Made with Love and Glue! It is beautiful!!! Sweet Girl loves it and has been wearing it EVERY DAY! Look at the detail on this baby! I love it. Thank you Rachel for your generosity!

Go join Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality to see what deals everyone else found!



Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Love the milk glass! I haven't actually encountered any "scary sales" yet. lol But I have been to some where I think, WHY are you even bothering to have a sale with all of this JUNK?

Your girl is so precious and she looks so fancy in her new headband. I like the new summer design for your blog. Cute!

P.S. I have two of those birdies that I bought at Michaels too

Anonymous said...

The milk glass is great! That sweet little girl is you cutest "find". Thanks for sharing.


★Carol★ said...

Sounds like you went to a Creepy Guys garage sale! Love that milk glass, the birdie, and that piano is gorgeous! What a great garage sale find!

Sue said...

Too funny a remark on the scary garage sale! Glad you finally got your piano after all this time. Like the cute little birdies and the milkglass. :-) Sue

Lynn said...

A piano!
A piano!
I've always wanted a piano!

Amelia said...

Love the new finds!

Sweet girl makes that headband just look even better.

Enjoy the week!

Unknown said...

I love milk glass! Good job!

Melissa said...

Victoria~ lol on the scary yard sale~been to few of those myself. :) So worth it thought for that milkglass! Congrats on getting a piano and your pressed peony from Rachel too. What is going on at Michael's? That whole store seems to be on clearance. It's a very dangerous place for me to be!

Rachel Berry said...

I ♥ milk glass....
Way to go on the piano! We had one but sold it years ago. Now that my kids are older they want to play. Go figure!

And you welcome the headband looks so cute on her!


Darlene said...

Ooooo Sweet girl looks beautiful in her adorable flower headband. CUTE and congrats on the win! What a FABULOUS find at that "scary" yardsale. Beautiful bowl and that birdie is perfect!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

The milk glass dish, the bowls and the girl perfect! I have stopped at those scary yard sales before too. I love the way you have arranged your shelves, the turned out great! Jackie

Nicole A. said...

Awesome finds!! Love the milk glass and that little bird is so cute!!

Bill said...

Congratulations on acquiring such wonderful treasures! I've only been to a couple of scary sales, but, even at those, the people turned out to be nice once I got the nerve up to talk with them (briefly).

Thanks for stopping by and leaving the nice comments. Hope your week is off to a good start!

Bye for now,

V and Co. said...

oh i have an obsession with milk glass lately ever since i found one at a thrift store for $1.50! i'm sooo jelous of your find!! ;)

Marie said...

Hello Victoria - thank you for sharing your finds! I really love how you've arranged things on your shelves. The birdie is so cute! I'll have to check out my Michael's for the summer sale. And your piano is so pretty!


Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

That head band is so cute on your darling girl! Great milkglass find!


cherry said...

LOVE milk glass....I collect it as well. cherry

Tausha said...

scary yard sales are really the best out there. The people just wanted to get rid of their crap-and you just want it to buy it. It really is a wonderful thing!
Congrats on the piano. I too have a piano-but no one plays it. Maybe that is because it is so horribly out of tune? Just a thought?