Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Our "Just Everything" Giveaways

Victoria and I have thoroughly enjoyed blogland and we have enjoyed blogging with each other. It is so nice when one of us has a crazy time in life for the other to pick up things and carry on. From time to time life gets in the way for both of us at the same time and we have to take a deep breath (as Amy aka Maisy told us to do in the comments the other day) and obviously blogging gets put on the back burner. This has happened the last couple of weeks and we hope to be back on track now that summer has arrived. We love reading and commenting on your blogs too. Occasionally over the past year time has gotten away from us commenting in a timely manner but we really try to get back to each and every one of you as often as possible, just like so many of you do with us. Thank you girls for your blogs and comments. We have loved "meeting" you all.

We have decided to do several giveaways in this post. Today we were joking with each other that this is our 100th post, winter, spring and summer giveaway because we never did any of those. They just didn't happen. So, we are calling this our "Just Everything" giveaways.

Since we love to find things at garage sale and thrift stores, we wanted to let you guys in our some of the great finds. There are really no rules. All we ask is that you comment on this post with item or items you would like to win. This way you can sign up for only the things you would like or use----or please feel free to sign up for all of them. Just to make sure you understand, these are not new items. They are just great things that we have found in our thrifting excursions.

Our first giveaway is a beautiful tablecloth and ten napkins that Victoria found at a garage sale for $1.00! It is just lovely and so summery. In fact we put it on her table to take a picture and her sweet girl said, "what a beautiful table cloth." We know someone out there will appreciate the springy pretty embroidered flowers and the delightful green trimmed napkins. This is a large tablecloth. Maybe Victoria can do some quick measurements and post them for us on Friday--her day off.

Our second giveaway is a 12x12 scrapbook album. Those of you who scrapbook or even just would like to fill a pretty book with photos, will love this. I found several of these for a good deal and would love to pass one of them on to you.

Our third and last giveaway is a bowl. : ) You may remember one just like it from a previous post. I found three of these in a thrift shop for .10 each, kept one for myself, gave one to Victoria and I'm giving one away. It is just a cereal size bowl, but it has a unique shape and the black medallion in the center won me over. I'm sending one plate/bowl hanger that was also found while thrifting along with the bowl. To make this particular giveaway more exciting than just a bowl, it also includes a $10.00 Starbucks gift card. The card is not shown, but will be included. Mocha Frappuccino here you come!!!

These giveaways are a thank you to all of our blogging friends, but please feel free to sign up even if you are new to our blog or have been a lurker. We love to meet new friends too.

Sign up for these giveaways will end on Monday evening, June 8th, at 10:00pm EST.

Happy Wednesday and happy "just everything" giveaway.

Christina and Victoria


  1. OK, I am greedy! SIgn me up for all of them. All the giveaways! I love them all.
    My favorite though is the tablecloth and napkins. Imagine the tablescapes.....OhhH! (excitement).
    What a great giveaway! Congrats to you both!

  2. Hi
    Oh wow I am all about the tablecloth being a vintage linen fan .
    Sign me up please :)
    A girl can never have enough linens any more than she can have enough shoes.
    I am so impressed you found it for $1.00 .
    I am also all for the frugal thrifty kind of shopping.
    It is so much fun to find great treasures.
    Blessings to you for all the happiness your blogging brings to so many.
    Have a wonderful week.

  3. What fun! I love your blog and congrats on your blogging success!! :)

    I would love the tablecloth and napkins! It looks as though it would fit my table perfectly!!!

  4. Oh goody, goody!!! Sign me up for the tablecloth and napkins too!!!

  5. I love the everything giveaway~I would love any of them :) You know I'm a big fan of you two!

  6. I'd love anything you are offering- it's all great! I never see anything for $.10, where the heck do you shop?? The cheapest thing we've found is an old ball that looked like an eyeball, my 3 y/o wanted it and it had no price tag. I actually paid $.25 for it!!

  7. Sign me up too and thanks for the comments on my space. No worries on the time it took to get back...I know all about that disappearing blogging mojo! Hee, hee! I STILL love that chandelier...I found one here similar on CL and I am supposed to go take a look at it tomorrow! Have a great Thursday!

  8. What beautiful items you have for your giveaway :) I love your blog (you had me at the chandy makeover);) The table cloth is gorgeous! Congrats on your blogging success :) I can hardly wait for a milestone to have my first giveaway. When I do, I hope you enter :)

  9. As always enjoy your blog - of the items listed the small bowl caught my eye...enter my name for that prize.

    Have a great weekend - may all your stops at garage sales be ones with lots of good prices and wonderful treasures...for Saturday and then Church on Sunday.

    Amelia - in Oklahoma

  10. I would love to win the bowl, I can always use another addition to my collection! ;-)

  11. Sign me up!
    Glad you found your mojo-


  12. Sign me up for the very pretty table cloth!! I can't believe you found all that for one dollar! I'm glad you guys are back!! Have a great and blessed day!!

  13. What a great giveaway...everything looks so special but please sign me up for the tablecloth and napkins. I can't believe those were found that cheap!!!!!!

  14. Sign me up for everything too!!! Would love the tablecloth. Heck I'd love any of them!! lol

  15. Great giveaway!!I love the table cloth and the cute!! :)

  16. Oh wow! I would love to be entered in the giveaway for the table cloth and napkins and the bowl.

    My table always look so naked and I have been trying to get my act together to put some plates and bowls on the walls here. I'm just not having any luck finding what I want! I've looked in garage sales, estate sales...but not TJ Maxx or Ross yet! I'll put that on my to-do's!

  17. Giveaways are always great fun...thank you for your generosity!

    Winning any of the gifts would be a treat!

  18. Please sign me up for the tablecloth and napkins! What a find. I could many a tea and scone party!
    Thank you :)

  19. Wow what a fantastic giveaway!
    Please sign me up!!!

  20. I love the tablecloth its so great! What a great giveaway!

    I love your blog it wonderful!


  21. A giveaway? You shouldn't have! I love the tablecloth and napkins as well. I think that would be the cutest curtains for summer or in my little people's room. IMagine that-me not wanting to put a tablecloth on a table! I too love the bowl. My sister would so love it! Do I get extra points cause I am nice to my sister?
    Love your blog and all of your ideas! You girls really rock!!!!

  22. Well YEAH! Sign me up! I love the tablecloth (seriously? A dollar?!!) but I am a scrapbooker. The album would be handy!

    Great giveaway!

  23. Great stuff! Sign me up...I like the album and the bowl. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  24. Ohh, I love that tablecloth and it would look absolutely perfect on MY I cant believe it was only $1. I just discovered your blog and it is now in my favs!!

  25. I'm in. The tablecloth & napkins are my first choice. And the bowl would go in my bedroom. Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving me a comment. I'm happy I visited yours again so I could enter this giveaway.

  26. Fun give-away!!!! VERy fun old vintage linens. cherry

  27. Congratulations! I think all of the items are fabulous. Thank you for the chance to win.


  28. The tablecloth and napkins are absolutely wonderful. I'll throw my bid in for them.
    Also, LOVE as time goes by, keep it up

  29. I love the table cloth and napkins. What a find. I read about the giveaway before we went out of town and forgot to comment. Made it just in time. Jackie

  30. I'd pick the photo album. I love your blog...I'm one of those lurkers.

