Monday, May 11, 2009

Fun finds

I wanted to share a couple of fun finds from my recent yard sales.

Love these two bowls I found for $4!!! The color is wonderful...

and the details on the bowls incredible.

I purchased this picture for $1. I love the subtle colors and the eggs in the picture! I'll need to paint the frame but other than that, it is good to go!

I found this darling little creamer for $1...

and this vintage ladle...

Finally, a couple of finds from Goodwill. This gumball machine was $5 and is a beautiful lavender color. I debated buying it but finally my GW shopping partner Sarah talked me into it.

I love white. White anything catches my eye so I was thrilled to find this little white milkglass bottle for 77 cents!
Thank you for stopping by to see some of my finds! I have to say it's hard to shop retail now for two reasons...1) the cost and 2) the thrill of the hunt! It can be addicting. ;)

Have a beautiful, blessed Monday!



  1. Me too - in the fact I don't want to pay retail - "treasure hunting or junkin' - which ever you call it is my kind of fun.

    Looks like you found some real good deals in your last shopping spree.

    Have a great week.

  2. Well, I'll admit it! I'm addicted to it too! :) You found some great things! I posted a comment on someone else's blog saying it makes me wonder why people are getting rid of some of this stuff in the first place.

  3. I love the gumball machine! I'm sure the gum would be gone within a couple of days though courtesy of my son.

  4. I absolutely LOVE those bowls, the detail and color are WONDERFUL!!! I too am addicted to thrifting...I get a rush when I find something wonderful!!!

  5. I can just imagine the soups that were served with that old ladle! Your finds are great! The details on your bowls are precious. I am drawn to anything embossed like that! I know what you mean about the whites ... I love them too!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  6. Those bowls are amazing! Love them!! I really like the picture too. What great things you found!


  7. I love your stuff, esp. the bowls! Yep, I'm a frame painter too!

  8. Love the bowls. Thrifting & Good Will are a couple of my favorite pasttimes :)

  9. Oh I love the bowls too. Great finds. Debbie

  10. Great finds! Don't you just thrifting? I just love gumball machines! I reluctantly picked up an old ratty one at a yard sale a few years ago and repainted it - and now I'm so glad I bought it!

  11. You're so right, there are only a handful of things for which I can bring myself to pay retail...I'm totally addicted to the thrill of the hunt! Those are some great finds! = )

    Thanks for sharing! Have a lovely week! = )

  12. You found some good stuff! I think buying the gumball machine for ONLY $5 was a good call!

    ~ Sarah

  13. I agree. You have to think twice about buying "new" items from retail stores. You found some great items. Love that bowl!

    Happy thrifting!

  14. Love your wonderful finds, girl. The milk glass bottle is very unique. I love the bowls too. You will enjoy those.

    Hope you are having fun today!!

  15. I love the gum ball machine- love love love it. Great Stuff.

  16. Cool finds. I love the bubble gum machine!

  17. Love, love those bowls! I would have snatched those up too. And that little milkglass bottle is precious too. I'm with you sisters on shopping retail, it is way too much money. I mean...why would you?!

  18. Mall shopping is BOOOOOORRRRING!
    Hooray for Sarah for talking you into buying the pink gumball machine.
    Here's to the hunt!

  19. Absolutely addicting! Your finds are wonderful. ♥

  20. I love love love the gumball machine I have been in search of one forever great catch!

  21. Oh my! I love those bowels! So darling!! All your finds are soo FUN!!

  22. I enjoyed peaking at your blog for the first time today and will be back again for more friendly blogging.

  23. I love the bowl, and I have several old utensils similar to yours. As I have said before, I usually buy nostalgia. Looks like a fun day treasure hunting! Jackie

  24. wow you found some really cool stuff, I love the gumball machine, so glad you ended up buying it, I remember having one of those as a kid..!! Isn't treasure hunting so much fun! thanks for visiting my blog today..nice to meet you!

  25. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment! :) I already posted the other day about how much I like your treasures but I just loved looking at them again. :)
