Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Delicious Meal and Some Lazy TV Time

My hubby is off for the rest of this week. We are celebrating every minute of our time with him because he has been working crazy hours for months with little or no time off including weekends. We were out early this morning working on a garden. Great times for the most part. ; ) Sometimes, there are too many people telling too many people what to do. That's all I'll say about that. We decided to give him some alone time this afternoon while we picked strawberries. He likes his alone time too, and he has had little to none of that in the past few months either. He stopped by the store while he was out and picked up some yummy ingredients and decided to cook us dinner. He loves to cook and as crazy as it sounds, enjoys doing that in his down time.

So delicious. You will love this one.



  • 1 jar (1 lb. 10 oz.) Chunky Pasta Sauce
  • 1 2/3 cup heavy or whipping cream
  • 1 package (15 oz.) cheese tortellini, cooked and drained
  • 1 package steam in bag chopped frozen spinach
  • 2 Tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese


  1. In 2-quart saucepan, simmer Pasta Sauce and cream over medium heat, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes or until heated through. Steam frozen spinach according to directions. Add to sauce. Toss hot tortellini with sauce. Sprinkle with cheese and garnish, if desired, with chopped fresh basil.

Servings: 4

Serve this with a salad and a full glass of iced tea with lemon or lime and it will delight your taste buds.

We finished this yummy meal off with a big bowl of strawberries with a dollop of freshly whipped cream on the side. I whipped the last bit of remaining cream left over from the pasta dish. Almost nothing is better than freshly picked strawberries.

Tonight we are having a lazy evening of family fun. I just have to ask if you all like The Andy Griffith show? We love it. Sitting back watching Andy while waiting for American Idol to come on. Tonight it will be down to the final three. Wonder who will go home? I'm thinking Kris or Allison. Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday evening.



  1. Oh yum, yum, yum!!! I believe he could change careers and be a chef!!!

  2. Wow that looks so good! And being a true southern gal I love Andy I watch it everyday at lunch!

    Share pics of the garden I am having problems this year getting started!

  3. Yummmmmmmmmmmmy! LOVE pasta...have fun with the hubs. cherry

  4. That looks delicious. I know what you mean about those long hours. My husband has been doing 12 hr shift again every day except Sun. He is hoping for Sat off to spend w/our son while I am out of town. Have a great weekend. Jackie

  5. Mmmmm supper looks good! Anytime he wants to come make us dinner, he is welcome to do so. ;)

    Hubs stopped by the store and picked up some dessert cups so I had strawberry shortcake last night too. :) Mmmmmmm...

  6. Sounds yummy. Your lucky to have a hubby that likes to cook. Mine is in charge of breakfast on weekends...usualy eggs.

  7. Fresh strawberries are the best!


  8. Hi Christina,
    All of the food looks wonderful!

    I've enjoyed exploring your blog and seeing all your 2nd hand treasures!

  9. Yea for Andy Griffith. I watch it with my mom all the time.
    And thanks for sharing this recipe. My goodness it looks beautiful! As my cute dad use to say, "Looks good 'nuf to eat." : )
    Happy Mother's Day.

  10. yum, yum!! Happy Mother's Day blessings,
    kari & kijsa
