Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Old Saint Nick

Growing up we never believed in Santa. We knew of the legend but we never believed he was real or brought our presents. Dad would say "Ho ho ho and a Merry Christmas" in a deep voice and some of our presents over the years were from "Santa" (aka Mom & Dad) but overall it was just never a big deal. Christmas was still a magical experience and we were always so excited to see what Mom and Dad had gotten us.

My husband and I have chosen to carry on the tradition of gifts being from us rather than the jolly old man in the red suit (that Sweet Girl is deathly afraid of) but I do love the look of a vintage Santa and pick them up whenever I come across them at yard sales.

I don't even know where these mugs came from except for the little one that I bought last weekend for a dollar.

These snowglobes came from the Goodwill last year. I believe they were 55 cents each and were too cute to pass up.

Love this old pop-up book I found for 25 cents.

Some of the pop-ups are broken but Sweet Girl and I had fun going through the book and seeing the ones that were not. For instance, this chimney scene where Santa is fixing to go up the chimney...

pull the tab and voila...he is up the chimney!



  1. I LOVE all of your beauties!! Aren't pop up books the CUTE!! I can't believe you got the snowglobes for that price...WOW!

  2. So cute. I love the huge santa face with the wispy beard. Great pop up book too.

    All of your vintage goodness is fun to see.

  3. I love everything but the snowglobes are the best!

  4. Such wonderful finds...brings happiness to you and Little Girl too.

    Happy Holidays to you and your family...

  5. I think I was with you when you bought the snow globes, everything looks great!

  6. ohhhhhhh i love vintage/old Santa's!!! Luv Them!!! these are great!!!!
