Monday, November 10, 2008

A New Home to Fluff

Our parents are moving into a new home. They were able to get a deal on a casualty of the economy and a huge plus is that it is just next door to my brother John and his wife Michelle. They have a large piece of land, which is a must for my dad, who Chloe calls a farmer. He has chickens, goats and cows and is going to clear trees for a large garden. There is also and a beautiful long winding driveway to get to the house. It is especially pretty right now with all of the red and amber colors of fall lining the way.

beautiful fall leaves on their property

I get to be a part of this new house by helping my mom decorate. I hope to show you all little bits and pieces as we move along to completion. In this post I am sharing a few things that I just snapped pictures of as we were unpacking. The decor with be mostly very traditional as they have some beautiful old pieces. I hope to share a really cool story about some of the beautiful antiques they acquired as a young married couple.

Chloe and I spent the whole weekend there working, moving furniture, walking the property with my dad and helping to catch chickens and guineas at dusk to keep them safe from owls. Even though it is only about 25 minutes away from our house, it was just easier to do that and it was enjoyable. My parents are always busy, so it was nice to be able to spend some real time with them, not just a hi and bye.

In some ways they are downsizing and in some ways they are not. The living area is large, but not quite as big as the old home place. But they do have a full basement which they did not have. And they are trading a formal living room for a bonus room and there is also a large screened porch which will be a new space to have fun with.


They house was on the market for awhile and someone dumped some things on the property. Of course we had to go though it. : ) My mom and I went out and unearthed a wicker settee that is in decent shape. A little glue and some spray paint will fix it right up. We also unearthed a small metal table that will be perfect for the porch.


Hope you all are having a wonderful Monday!


  1. Oh how nice having your parents that you and your Mother will have a new palette to play with.

    Loved the leaves in the carnival glass it original or not...either way it is sure pretty.

    Have a fun week.

  2. How exciting to help your parents feather their nest. I look forward to seeing more of their new home....what an exciting time!

  3. Those are really lovely home accents.

  4. I love those book-ends! I can't wait to have thanksgiving there! We are having it there right? Can't wait to see what you do with the place. Last time James and I stopped by there your mom told me how excited she was that you would be helping her with decorations!

  5. Lucky you! It looks like your Mom has wonderful things to decorate with and I know you two will have a great time putting it all together.


  6. Ohhhhhhh those plates in the last photo are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!

    M ^..^

  7. Hey, somehow I missed this post! :) Love seeing all the things I saw as a child and can't wait to see what decorating magic you work in their new house!
