Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Have Hamburger, Need Recipe

Hi Ladies!! I need your help. I'm in a hamburger rut. It just seems the same 'ole recipes come to mind over and over again. I am going to make Victoria's "homeschool food" tonight, but what about next time? Any great ideas?

We usually use ground beef in burritos, shepherds pie, various soups, and chili and we even had this deliciously different meatloaf recently.

I would love to hear from all of you wonderful ladies. Give me your best ground hamburger recipes. I can rock a chicken and even lentils and beans : ), but ground beef.....I need some inspiration.


  1. How about enchiladas, tacos, taco salad, hamburgers, spagetti with meat sauce. Ok that's all I could think of for now. Hope that helps.

  2. Hi Christina,

    Isn't that meatloaf just the greatest?? We had that again this past Sunday...YUMMY.

    Here is another favorite I have gotten from a blog...go to www.kelli1975.blogspot.com and go back to the post dated July 29, 2008. Make this one using your hamburger meat...it is DELICIOUS. We have had it about 3 times now. I never come up even with my meat filling so we use any leftover filling as dip for tortilla chips. I think you will LOVE it...try it and let me know.

  3. My husbands favorite is a taco ring its on my cooking blog (I think)very easy.

  4. Check out my site a little later on and I will post a recipe for Enchilada Pie. My family loves it. Jackie

  5. How about some lasagna? :) I haven't made that in ages. Also an enchilada with a cream base vs the red enchilada sauce. Kinda like Mom's chicken enchilada's but with beef.

  6. Our kids love Hamburger Heaven, which is simply homemade hamburger helper. It is an old recipe that my grandmother made for her boys.
    I also highly recommend the Cooks Illustrated meatloaf recipe. It is so delish!

  7. I love meatloaf, tacos, chili, meatballs, I love spaghetti meat sauce, flavor the beef with oregano, basil, garlic, onion, make it taste spicy like sausage. So good on Spaghetti. Good luck!

  8. Meat loaf muffins. 1 lb lean ground beef, a box stove top corn bread stuffing mix, 2 egg whites, one cup of warm water. Mix all together, place in muffin pan which has been sprayed with Pam. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 - 35 minutes. Yummy. Makes 12 meat loaf muffins. My family loves these. My 14 year old will even eat leftovers for BREAKFAST!!



  9. Here's a chicken enchilada recipe but it can be made with ground beef.

  10. How about spaghetti pie where you use cooked spaghetti as crust or barbecue beef cups (bisuits in muffin tins filled with bbq beef topped with cheese)


  11. I have so many, I couldnt even list them all! :) Try checking out http://gourmetmomma.blogspot.com :)

    By the way, I am having a giveaway on my blog! I would love for your to stop by and check it out! :)

  12. I'm glad you made this post because I too am always wondering what to do with ground beef. Now I have ground venison to worry about too! Go on over to my blog.. there's an award waiting for you there!

  13. Hello Victoria
    Thank you so much!
    You are more than welcome to use my picture.

    Thank you for asking!

  14. Thank you ladies for the wonderful recipes. I am excited to have some new inspiration. Things have just gotten a little boring around here when we have ground hamburger. Thanks so much.

  15. A really good recipe that i try is doing hamburgers but making them spicy and more exciting then your old fashioned kind. If you're making 4 hamburgers for example you would make two meat patties (per burger) that are smaller then a regular patty. Season with garlic salt, pepper, and worchestershire sauce on both sides of patty. On the BBQ take 4 cloves garlic (not peeled), and 2-3 Jalapenos (depending how spicy you like it), I put those on a skewer put them on the BBQ until they are charred so it will be easy to peel them. Blend them in a blender so its almost like a thicker sauce and stick them on top of one meat patty with some cheese and bacon bits if you really want to change things up. they are good without the bacon however. take the other patty and put it on top, sealing the patties with stuffing into a burger. careful when you do it, make sure you seal it really good, or it will fall apart while cooking. i usually make that with some tater tots and curly frieds, and its such an old fashioned good home cooked meal that is FAST, SPICY, and TASTY!!!
