Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Back from the mountains...

My Hubs, Sweet Girl & I just returned from a quick trip to the N Ga Mountains. Before we left home my daughter & I made Ginger Snaps from the recipe that Amelia from Amelia's Musings posted and refrigerated the cookie dough to take with us.

Let me just tell you, these cookies were GOOD! Especially with some crisp, cool evening mountain air and coffee! Oh and the cinnamon, ginger smell that permeated the cabin was nice too.

Our trip consisted of a trip to the Pumpkin Patch in 80 degree weather.

Hubs taking some Fall pictures of Sweet Girl.

One of Mommy & Sweet Girl...

A little wading for the girls...hubs was waiting with camera in hand for us to fall into the water and it almost happened!

We finished off the trip eating ice cream at "Pappy's Trading Post" in Blairsville and feeding the fish in the river.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming....



Empty Nest Full Life said...

Oh I wish the weather were cooler and a trip to the mountains were in my plans. I have probably said it before, your little girl is precious. Jackie

Amelia said...

So glad your enjoyed the cookies. They are certainly one of my very favorite ones.

Little "Sweet girl" is so cute...I bet you all had a wonderful time in the mountains..wonderful weather right now for it.

Meg said...

I love that view of the mountains in that pic. I hope you're not all "mountained" out! Yep, I just made a word! The pic of her in that chair is my absolute favorite. Vicky, Amelia is so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great trip! I love the pixs of you and your little girl. So very cute!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

BEAUTIFUL photos and those cookies look amazing! I might have to head over to get the recipe for those! Glad you had a nice trip! :)

Tausha said...

that sounds and looks like you had a great time and created many good memories!
I am going to go and get that recips-I love GINGERSNAPS!

Sarah Kate said...

What beautiful pictures. It looks like you had a great time. The cookies looked wonderful too!

Christina said...

I'm going to try those cookies--I almost did today, but decided that cooking dinner should be my top priority. : )

Michael did a great job capturing the essence of our sweet girl. Love the bridge shots the most. Lol, about the "y'all abouth to fall in the water." That would have been a great picture!! Of course he could get a good pict.--I would be laughing to hard.

She even looks cute w/ice cream all over her face.

Valley Girl said...

What a cutie you have! I think my daughters have that same sweater, Target? I love it, wish they made it in mommy size!

Anonymous said...

I think I'll bake some of those cookies this afternoon.

Now if I could just find out where to order a sweet girl like yours. She actually looks a lot like my youngest granddaughter and she looks like she is having a great time.


Darlene said...

Great pictures!!! Your little girl is ADORABLE!!!! It was in the 80's when we went to the pumpkin patch too ( I always secretly want it to be colder when we go- to feel more Fall-ish).

Those cookies sound DELICIOUS!

Georgia Girl said...

Oh I can't wait till next week cause I am heading up that way also. I am so ready to see some cool weather, punkin patch, going to Babyland and few other places...can't get here quick enough. Glad you all had a great trip. The kids are so cute!