Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Help! I'm under a pile and can't get out!

There are piles all over my house, in fact, I feel like my house has become a huge pile this week! It's only Wednesday but I am exhausted, sleep deprived and have stuff everywhere that I need to deal with and clean up!

Groceries to put away....

Laundry to wash (and then put away)...

Papers to file (there are more...this is the neat stack!)...

Yard sale stuff in the basement to sort through and price for our yard sale on Saturday...

Times like these I want to throw in the towel and go lay in bed and sleep, cry or read my Mitford book. Do you all have days like this too? Days when you want to run away, far, far away? Days when you feel like you aren't the best (or even a good) wife or Mommy? Days when you haven't even given a thought to all the projects you have that are half finished or waiting to get started? Well this is that day for me. Tomorrow it's back to work for me (I work on Tues & Thurs) and I'll probably be feeling back to normal but for today I am somewhere lost under a pile hoping to dig my way out.



Sarah Kate said...

Haha! I see you did find something to blog about. Thanks for driving today I had a great time.

Darlene said...

I ALWAYS feel like I am under a pile and can't dig out!!! There is just ALWAYS something to do and/or somewhere to go or SOMETHING!! I just always think I'll get something through later or tomorrow or in an hour or SOMETHING!!! lol

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Yes,yes,and yes! No doubt about it. That is where I was week before last when I was facing the upcoming yard sale preparing for my sons birthday, and my daughter her husband and their dog were also coming to visit. Hang in there! Jackie

Empty Nest Full Life said...

I have enjoyed reading your back posts, and just noticed that you mentioned S. GA are you a S. GA girl too? I hardly ever see any GA bloggers much less S. GA. Jackie

Anonymous said...

You are not alone. I almost cried last Saturday when it rained and I had to cancel my garage sale. I just wanted it all gone. I told my husband to pack it up and take it to a donation center. He felt bad and said we can try this again next weekend. Hopefully this one will go well for both of us.

Good luck!

Victoria said...

Thank you all for the encouraging words and letting me know you've been there too!

You'll be happy to know I did tackle the yard sale stuff and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (never is!).

Anonymous said...

I had that feeling yesterday about laundry. Lucky me though bc I worked at home yesterday and was able to do laundry while I worked. Just start on one pile at a time and you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel before too long!

Meg said...

You just described my life! Just kidding, but most of the time I feel like this about my house.

Empty Nest Full Life said...

I hope the piles are getting smaller, mine are and I won't tell you how long its been coming, this empty nest thing has taken some getting used to. Question about your blog background. I went to the site, how did you do it. I like your design the best I have seen and would like any suggestions you have to give. Don't mean to add another thing for you to do, just if you have time I'd love to know. Jackie

Esther said...

Oh, absolutely. Today's one of them, I'm halfway through preparing my girls bedroom for painting, they've been sleeping in the sunroom for the last 3 months, the washing is just dumped all over the table, the bathroom needs a scrub and I could go on. I really like your blog (this is my first time seeing it) and I'm going to add you to my favourites.

Katy said...

oh my goodness...I TOO have a yardsale pile that needs taken care of!!! It is hideous! LOL (mine..not yours!) LOL thank you for sharing your are not alone! xoxo