Friday, August 8, 2008

Lamp makeover

Blogging has brought out the inner project girl in me! I have never completed so many projects in such a short time! Yay for blogging.

Years ago I bought a little wicker lamp base on clearance somewhere and at a joint yard sale with my sisters I snagged (for free) a lampshade that one of them had never used. Over the years I painted the shade white with craft paint and sprayed the base black but still the poor little lamp didn't have a home.

Recently when my baby sis stayed with me overnight while home from college she brought a painting project with her to work on. We took a radio to the kitchen and sat and talked while she was painting. I was bored (not for lack of interesting conversation...I just like to be doing something while talking) so I got my boring lamp out, glued a piece of ribbon on it...

then while we were shopping a couple of days later at Joanne Fabric I came across a little cameo in their "jewelry" department that was 40% off that I bought and stitched into place and voila!

I am happy to say that this little lamp finally has a home on top of my corner cabinet.



  1. I totally understand the project "thing" going on from blogging. That little lamp is absolutely did a great job with it.

  2. Looks adorable! I like the corner cabinet that you have it on too, especially after you added the paper. Good job!
