Monday, August 11, 2008

From the sis-in-law

Hey everyone! I am so glad to introduce you to our sister-in-law Meg. Victoria and I were talking this weekend and decided to beg her to do a guest post for us. Meg is such a special addition to our family. She is beautiful inside and out and is very talented. Her home is always such a breath of fresh air. The rooms are full of warm whites, soft greens, sand colors and sepia tones. As you will see she has a way with creating beautiful vignettes and great little projects. I hope as time goes by we will see more of her home. Welcome Meg!


Meet Meg:

As a full time nursing student and wife I have to work hard at finding the time and funds for decorating my small home. "Simplicity" is the central thought behind anything I create or admire. 90% of everything I use for my decor was handed down to me from relatives who have passed on. I have inherited a lot of stuff that some people would either store away or sell. I pride myself on seeing beauty in old crap.

This old wooden saw came from my grandfather's shed, soon to be tossed out. It now hangs in my kitchen.

In my foyer I have a tall table that narrowly sits against the wall. On it I stacked some old children's books from a distant relative. I was allowed to go through all the stuff no one else wanted. Not very high on the totem pole it seems. I thought the red in these books was such a great shade. I love old books anyways. The frames were some old ones I bought a while back. They originally were a light wood. I decided to sand them a bit and spray paint them white. I then took some scissors and roughed them up a bit. This was my first antiquing project. Now for my favorite part. Deep in south Ga. while visiting family I made my husband pull over so I could pick this cotton off some family soil. I then made this bouquet.

I spend a lot of time at the hospital doing clinicals and such. Every nurse knows that one of their most valuable assets (other than their pen) is their clipboard. I spend a lot of time with my clipboard. I got tired of running around with a plain brown cardboardish one all the time. I decided to spice it up a bit. I did this completely using spraypaint since it is fast and easy. patience is not my stong point. I got some thick card-stock paper and using an exacto knife I cut out a stencil. I think spraypaint is the way to go if your going to do stencils. I did have some issues with the stencil not being flush with the surface. You can probably tell the spraypaint got a bit out of bounds. It made it look better though actually. I really had fun with it.

A few months ago I decided to take a plain light brown wooded box and paint it with a monogram. I was in one of those creative moods. Those moods can get expensive. I don't have any pics of the before. Hind sight is 20/20.

I've enjoyed making this guest appearance. I never knew blogging was so fun. I'm in the process of making a quilt. When I get done maybe I'll come back.


  1. Hello you 3 crafty new blogging girls! I keep on finding fun new blogs out there, including yours, so I'm going to add you to my bloglist. Thanks for coming by & leaving notes so I could find you too. Your blog looks like a lot of fun & I'm sure others will enjoy it too. You will LOVE blogging!


  2. Hi Meg,
    Glad to meet you. You have done some cute projects. I know what you mean by getting crafty can get expensive!! Love your vignette! Also, what a great "spicy" clipboard. Look forward to some more of your posts.

  3. So fun to have your sis in law visit. I am so impressed with all the things that you have done. I have the same white corner cabinet and love the paper behind, fun.

  4. Wow some girls after my own heart...that is pretty much what my blog is too befores and afters. I will bookmark ya'll for sure. cherry

  5. What cute things! And I lovee, love, love the cotton!

    I followed the trail over here from Rhoda's. I'm the one with the Victorian cottage over there (appreciate the nice comments). I'm always looking for ideas to help me do something new to it, and it looks like I came to the right place.

    Thanks for sharing all of these creative ideas. Can't wait to scout around!

    All the best,

