Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kitchen Storage Solution

This past weekend my husband bought me an industrial shelf to use as open shelving in my laundry room.


We have very little cabinet space in our kitchen and what we do have was poorly planned. I now have this shelving just around the corner so we can quickly grab bowls, pots, and baking stones when needed. The bottom shelves house things that we use less often. I keep adding to the shelves and so you are seeing pictures from earlier in the week and then again today.


I couldn't get a picture of the entire shelf in one frame. It is such a tiny room.

It just dawned on me that everything except for the cooking utensils and the little pitcher were either bought at Goodwill or a yard sale. We found the pitcher on clearance at Marshalls. The gold tray on the second shelf is also a favorite find from Goodwill.


I plan to use the basket to house a few longer items such as a carving knife and other seldom used but important utensils. If that doesn't work I have a larger basket that will take its place. The lamp will stay as long as it doesn't bug me or I need to space for something else. Things continually move around at my house.

It doesn't take much to make me happy and you can't believe how happy I am.

Here is the jumble under my cabinets before:

Now to the question of where I will put the large container of dog food and the box of treats that used to be housed on the new shelf wall? Right now it is just sitting on the floor in the kitchen. lol.

Have a wonderful Thursday.



  1. It DOES look very good! Such a pretty solution! I love when practicality and beauty go hand in hand:)

  2. What a great idea. I need some more shelving in my kitchen. What am I saying, more? I need SOME. I have cabinets but not enough.

  3. That is a GREAT solution and it looks wonderful too!!!

  4. What a great idea!!! Everyone has a little extra room in the laundry room...i love it!!!
    And I'll have to try those "shaky cheese" grilled sandwiches below!!! Yum! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Having all your items close and easier to get to will make for a happeir cook...I am sure you will arrive a solution for the dogs food and treats.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Oh I'm jealous...your shelving is bigger than mine. :)

  7. I have those same shelves in my studio and will be using them in the kitchen of our rental when we move. They are actually very versatile!

  8. I really love industrial shelving! It looks soooo good! What a great solution for you.


  9. Your shelves looks great. I have my mind thinking on some changes for better storage and space too. Have a blessed week! Jackie

  10. Christina,
    I love how you made the shelf looks so nice. My kitchen is small too and I use shelves. They look like I just threw everything on them, maybe because I did! lol :) Thank You for sharing your beautiful shelf and kitchen inspiration!
    Have A Great Day!

    Livin' With Hoosiers

  11. i'm a sap for these shelves...they're so.....*professional*....adore them.
