Thursday, March 4, 2010



In cleaning out to move I found a bag of tulip bulbs that I failed to plant in the fall. I always plant tulips so I was sad that I did not get them planted. Instead Sweet Girl and I stuck them in a Goodwill planter (not really sure it is a planter) and have been watching them poke their heads through the soil. It is so much fun to watch things grow with a 4 year old! We have been planting things in cups and pots inside for the past 3 years and she LOVES to see the seeds (or bulbs) sprout.

Every day she would count how many tulips were poking their heads up and then once one of them was about to bloom she would check it every morning to see if it had opened yet.

We have had one of the coldest, wettest winters I can remember here in Georgia so I was thrilled to see two of my tulips bloom! Although it snowed here again this week, seeing these gives me hope for Spring.

Here they are in one of my favorite rooms of my first home...


PS After I posted I realized how messy the curtains are at the top! :) Oh well, now you all know I don't lead a perfect life.


  1. I just love the colors in this room! I need to "invite" you over to my house & trick you into decorating my house!

  2. I LOVE this idea!!! I think I'd enjoy indoor tulips even more than the ones outside. No harm in doing BOTH things.

  3. The tulips are so probably will enjoy them more in the house than you would outside...besides they brought such an enjoyment and learning experience for dear daughter.

  4. Beautiful! The tulips AND the curtains! So glad you are enjoying your new home!

  5. Love those pretty tulips, and love this room. Did you tell me the color was toasted pine nut by SW? I lost the e-mail that you sent with all the info. Jackie

  6. Seriously, I didn't even notice the curtain tops--I scrolled back up to look after reading your "ps" :)

    ~ Sarah

  7. What a beautiful room!

    I see everyone's blogs with lovely bulbs blooming. I'm jealous!

  8. LOL! See I didn't even notice the curtain tabs until you mentioned it! The colors in that room are just beautiful!

    About the way I file my bills...I don't have an email for you so I'll answer you here.

    It's habit now. I started to file everything by month years ago so that I could keep tabs on our monthly expenses. It's much easier to pull out all the papers in January and see how much we spent and where. I put any rebates I receive, or extra anything in those also. I've been doing it this way for so long that it's just the way I do it!


  9. This is such a pretty and cheerful room. I really love it! Looking forward to following you.

  10. I like the curtains shifted around like that. The light in your kitchen makes me happy :)

  11. ..besides they brought such an enjoyment and learning experience for dear daughter.
    home based data entry
