Thursday, January 14, 2010

Want a cookie?

Yesterday afternoon I decided to make Sugar Cookie Cutouts with my best gal pal. I hate to admit this, but we were having leftovers for supper and that is why I figured I had the time and energy to make these with her. They are so time consuming and the clean up....flour and dough everywhere, oh and sprinkles because I knocked the full jar of sprinkles onto the floor...
We had the best time! We used a mix that I had gotten on the cheap (or free) due to my obsessive couponing as of late so we took our time with the cutting out part.
The control freak part of me didn't want Sweet Girl to use the turkey or pumpkin cookie cutters because it's not fall. :) I let it go though and we did all sorts of shapes from carrots to frogs, ice cram cones to umbrellas!

After they were cool we iced a couple with a pink lemon glaze. :)

When Daddy called to say he was headed home, Sweet Girl answered the phone "Sweet Cookies Bakery, how may I help you?". Daddy played along and found out quickly that he couldn't afford to shop her bakery as a dozen cookies would cost him "50 dollars".

Hope you find some time this weekend to make some cookies for yourself!



  1. Oh the memories you are creating with Sweet Girl. Such a wonderful way to spend time.

  2. Awwww what fun to create special cookies with the sweet girl. They turned out great and I bet they are delicious!♥

  3. They look delicious.
    A Happy New Year to you from Scotland in the UK

  4. I love this story. All the different shapes makes for some... interesting, but very pretty cookies.

  5. why yes, I would love a cookie. Love how she answered the phone. What a sweetie. Those memories you are making with her are so important. You know what! That prepackaged cookie dough is a God send. Really...I should know.
    : ) I get totally frustrated and annoyed when people act like, "well I make mine from scratch." well---get them a halo. ; ) I make plenty of things from scratch too, but the memory of the cutting out and decorating always overshadows the homemade part. And I care about the memories, no the high and mighty stuff here. Three cheers for pre-packaged anything that will give children a fantastic memory.

  6. What fun!!! Way to go, Mom!!!
    I also loved the Christmas photos of the kiddos. All three are adorable! : )
    Take care,

  7. What a wondeful time you must have had. I too have trouble letting go of the control freek in me, but when I do things are so much more relaxed and enjoyable:)

  8. Hi Christina,

    Thanks for your sweet comment. I have missed all you bloggers. I'm seriously thinking about coming back. But at a much slower pace. When I fist started my blog last year I was blogging twice a day sometimes three times. INSANE!!! I hope you have been doing great. Your blog header looks good.


  9. Just a quick note to say missing you girls! Jackie
