Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gobble gobble...

Tuesday I found myself wondering what to do on a rainy day when we are staying home due to Sweet Girl having what appears to be the flu (high fever [103], body aches, runny nose & headache).

(The sick girl in her comfy Lands End dress I bought last week at a yard sale for a dollar.
She played the piano while I sewed.)

A few days ago I went to Made with Love and Glue and pulled up Rachel's archives from 2008. I remembered that she made 4 of her 5 kids Turkey Hand Print shirts last year (see picture below) and wanted to make my Sweet Girl one this year. (Picture courtesy of Rachel at Made with Love and Glue)

Aren't these adorable??? Love the little one below...
Rachel turkey shirt 2

I followed the link she provided to One More Moore and followed the tutorial she listed. I also googled reverse applique and came across this blog and tutorial that was very easy for me to follow.

First I turned the tshirt inside out. Then I pinned the right side of the fabric scrap to the shirt
I turned the shirt right side out, traced Sweet Girl's hand on paper, cut it out and pinned it to the front of her shirt.

I sewed around the outline of her hand print.


Yes, my turkey legs are a bit small compared to the body. :)

Being very careful, cut a slit in the t-shirt...then cut out the design.
Sew a button on...

and voila (well 30 min later) you have a Turkey Handprint Shirt!


The sick girl modeling her shirt...

I am not a seamstress by any means but I have enjoyed getting to know my sewing machine and seeing what I can make! Do you sew??? If so, check out The Handmade Dress Patterns GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!! over at Grosgrain. I would LOVE to try my hand at one of these dresses for Sweet Girl!



  1. Love it! Too bad Clo is too old for these cute little things. You are doing a great job with little projects these days and I know Miss Sweet Girl is very proud of her shirt.

  2. Very cute - hope your DD feels better soon - we've been fighting the same thing with our DD.

  3. Oh Victoria, I am so proud of you! You being willing to try this project and the wonderful result. It looks adorable on Sweet Girl. Is she going to wear this on Thanksgiving day? Is she taking piano lessons? Do you play?
    She is such a beautiful little lady.

    Hope she is feeling better...having a sick child is not fun for the child or the parents....sending up a prayer.

  4. Thanks for sharing! I'm so excited to find your blog. I'll keep you posted as I try this out tomorrow!:)

  5. Your shirt turned out so cute!! :) I love the fabric you used! I might need to buy me some of that!

    Hope your sweet girl gets feeling better, it sure has been going around a lot lately. Ps. Love her dollar dress!!!! I love a bargain!

  6. So precious, as is your Sweet Girl! Too bad they don't want to wear that stuff when they're
    15 ... I miss those days - nice to get to enjoy yours!

  7. Cute little turkeys! and hope that cute little one is feeling much better!

  8. Just stopping by to wish you a great thanksgiving!

