Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Little Patch of Garden

Herb Garden off of my carport

Squash plant just off carport

For years I have had a flower bed off the side of my carport and each year I plant a tomato plant or two and various herbs. This year I branched out and we also have a raised bed so that we could grow more veggies.
Tomato plant nestled in beside my Tea Olive bush

My point of this post (yes, I do have one) is that even if you do not have enough room to have a real "garden", plant a tomato or squash plant in with your flowers and enjoy it!

My Sweet Girl and I picked 2 baby squash off our plant the other day and she was sooo excited! She and my husband do not like squash so I tried cooking it a different way.

I sauteed the squash in a small bit of butter (or you can use olive oil). Add in some herbs (in this case basil, oregano & sage from my herb patch) and salt and black pepper to taste. My two non-squash eaters fought over the last of the squash!!!

One of the biggest joys of gardening this year is to watch my daughter go from plant to plant to water them or see if it has grown and if it has fruit on it. Yesterday she picked our first ever blueberry and ate it! She & I also shared a tiny red raspberry. The experience has been precious and oh so much fun!

Kimba's having a garden party. Jump on over there to see some other garden inspiration.



  1. I'm glad you little one is having such fun gardening with you! It is wonderful to see what's new the garden each day and so marvelous when you find something is ready for eating. I agree squeeze a tomato plant in your border & blueberries make lovely hedges!


  2. Vic,

    I'm so glad that you have squash eaters now. Your tomatoes look great too. It is so much fun for littles to see their food growing.

  3. Victoria, as a Mother and Grandmother I am so proud of the fact you are taking the time to teach your sweet little girl about vegetables. Give that thumb of hers an early start to get green with digging in the dirt for flowers and vegetables.

    Wish you were closer I could supply you with plenty of squash to fix all sorts of ways. I made a couple of loaves of zuchinni bread this morning...oh so good. We had yellow squash fried for lunch...so tasty. I may have told you we give away probably 90% of our garden items...all in the name of the Lord...he provides the water, sun, and soil - we till the garden and the bounty is shared.

    Enjoy your gardens -

  4. We have never had a garden but this year we bought one tomato plant....I say you gotta start somewhere and that is what we started with this year.♥

  5. Ahhhh nuttin like getting your hands dirty! Your garden is looking beautiful. cherry

  6. I'm not a squash eater too. This is the first year we have tried planting a small garden. Just harvested my first beans yesterday. I was so excited.

  7. Oh your garden is pretty.


  8. Victoria~ This is one of the main reasons we do a garden as well~it's so good for the kids! They love to see what their work brings :)

  9. I love that you've tucked a veggie patch into your yard. I'm a big fan of making do with what you have. :-) I have a little patch of garden, too (mostly because I have a VERY little patch of property, LOL!). I planted a garden of perennials last spring when we first moved in and WOW has it taken off (thanks to the unending rain, and not so much my green thumb I'm sorry to say). I added herbs this year and last, and love just snipping off a little something to season dinner with (and drinks...basil and mint are fabulous summer cocktail accruements!).

  10. Thanks for sharing. We have some tomatoes too, they are just a little late getting going. I want to start earlier next year. I know you are enjoying the squash. I want to plan out a sqare foot garden for next year. Yours is great. Jackie

  11. Amazing tomatoes! I've been telling my husband: No, you cannot plant your tomatoes in my flower garden. Now I'm guessing I'll have to reconsider. ;)

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Mmm! I love blueberries! Maybe next year I'll plant some ;)

  13. Thank you very much about my French cage made with the gutter cap. Thanks for visiting. Your garden looks wonderful. I love the tomato plant in with the flowers! Happy Thursday!

  14. Thanks for sharing! I have my tomatoes planted in with my flowers this year. I like it!


  15. I think my son would like this as well, I just need to figure out how to keep him from running through the plants and plucking the veggies/fruit before they are ripe, he can be a punk like that! I need to try making some squash like you did, sounds yummy! thanks for sharing~
