Monday, May 18, 2009

Fighting off the Monday blues!

Is it just me or does everyone have the Monday blues upon returning from vacation??? To help fight them off, Sweet Girl and I hit Goodwill before going to Aldi.

Found this little napkin holder to keep our napkins from blowing away when eating on the deck.

Finial for a curtain rod, but will probably be used to hold a mirror.

This is a little Christmas tree ornament/bell for Sweet Girl's tree.

I found this one months ago and snatched it up. The skirts are the bell (waist) and the feet are the clapper (did you know that is what it is called? I had to look it up on wikimedia!).
Speaking of Christmas...I found these footed Christmas PJ's for $2.60 that look like they've never been worn! Sweet Girl wears these all winter since we don't keep our heat on very much at night.

My mother-in-law has a whole collection of these FireKing mugs in different colors. She doesn't have any in blue though so I snatched these up at 55 cents each!

Odd little creamer ...

and finally....a canopy/net for Sweet Girl. I eyed this several weeks ago but didn't want to spend the money on it. Today it was 1/2 off!!!! I plan to clean out her playroom for our yard sale this weekend and then girl it up some! I thought it would be neat to have a canopy to play princess in. I know I would have enjoyed that when I was a little girl.

Join all of the great girls showing off their thrifty treasures over at Rhoda's today.

Ta ta...I'm off to put netting over my blueberry bush to keep the birdies from eating them all!



  1. Great finds! Nothing like a little thrift store shopping to lift your spirits, huh? (Especially when you find good stuff!)

  2. ooh yum-blueberries! Wish that they would grow here.
    I am loving the napkin holder. I always think that I don't need one until I go to get the napkins out and they are all over the cupboard and they do blow all over the place! Are you going to spray paint?

  3. Great finds have you seen The Holiday there is a canopy/tent in it for his girls that would be great you should check it out!

  4. Some sweet little treasures were found by you and little girl. Yes, can understand the blahs on Monday after such a wonderful vacation time. You will get back into the routine again and things will seem much better .

    Good luck on saving your blue berries...I have had strawberries for about 8 years now...the squirrels just discovered them this year...grrrr.

    Enjoy the week.

  5. Great stuff Victoria! I bet your daughter will love the canopy! Thanks for visiting. :-)

  6. I have only one of those blue mugs...would love to find more! Great finds!

  7. That canopy is going to be so much fun for your daughter. You found some great things! I always dread Mondays but shopping does make them better!

  8. Great thrifting. Love the little red PJ and the price is amazing.

  9. Love your finds. I went by today, and absolutely nothing. I have never seen any mugs like those, and I am sure that sweet girl is going to love that canopy, I know mine would have. Have a great week. Jackie

  10. I used to always say that I needed a vacation from my vacation. One year, my son came down with chicken pox after we just got back from vacation. So the moral of this story is, be careful what you wish for. Thanks for sharing your fabulous finds. I love seeing all the deals everyone gets. And finding a great deal always chases the blues away for me.

  11. I can already see her prancing in those pj's. Now I am feeling all Chistmasy.

  12. Very nice finds, Victoria! Thanks for playing this week. Oh, we have blueberries too & are hoping for some ripe ones this year.

  13. Good finds! Why can't I find good stuff at Goodwill? I must go on the wrong is so picked over whenever I'm there!

    ~ Sarah

  14. Great stuff girl! I love the fire king mugs. Oh and I agree with Carrie--You have to see the tent in The Holiday--magical. I didn't let Chloe see the whole movie, but I showed her that part.

    Good luck w/the blueberries. Our cherries are blooming. I should have gotten some nets.

  15. Great finds!

    I love the mugs.


  16. You got some great finds, my mom used to have a mug like that but I think her's was red?

  17. Victoria,

    To answer you question, Lexi started taking dance at age 4 when she started pre-K. She started with ballet and tap.

  18. Nothing like a little trip to Goodwill to lift the Monday blues! I love your goodies!
