Monday, March 2, 2009


Typically this time of year in Ga it's 65 - 70 degrees, daffodils blooming, tulips out of the ground, etc but yesterday, as you saw in Christina's post, we had SNOW! I had already planned to link up to the Spring party at The Inspired Room so I laughed as I pulled out happy spring items while the big flakes fell.

First a few snow pictures. Here is our cozy (another word for SMALL) house. I love it...coziness and all!

Our "Frosty" with the family. My Sweet Girl insisted on a carrot nose, button eyes (oops those are prunes) and then we could try to "make him come to life"!

Sweet Girl

Now for a little sunshine. :) My current spring centerpiece. I love this old tray that I spray painted black! It is so much fun to change up what goes in it.

Love these little birds my Mother-in-law gave me. She bought them at a yard sale years ago. I am thrilled that she and I both share a love of all things old!

Can you tell that I love old books? I bought several on a recent thrifting trip with Meg and Sarah. They were 50 cents each and beautiful colors!

Love the Forsynthia in this vase. Christina has it blooming in her yard and sent some home with me last week. Again...notice the books. :)

I have had this "birdhouse" for years and put it on my door each year. It is simple but I love the uniqueness of it.

A 50 cent platter I found while thrifting. It is Robin's Egg blue and just beautiful! I have several other oval platters like this in yellow, light green and dark green.
A sweet little bunny card for a 1st birthday. It looks happy and springy to me!!!

I will be tweaking and adding spring stuff over the next couple of weeks and will show more then. I have a lot that I need to blog about that I just haven't taken pictures of yet and need to do that this week as well.



  1. I love all your decorating ideas. I also love old books. I have them all over. The older the better for me.
    Thanks for sharing your home with us.
    It is just perfect!

  2. My mom lives in Athens and she called to tell me all about the snow. It was just cold here. I am ready for all of the spring touches too. I love the centerpiece with the bright colored books. Wonder if I have any? Have a great week. Jackie

  3. I bet little girl was excited with the snow...certainly something new for her.

    Enjoyed the pictures of your various finds...especially liked the white pitcher (creamer?) sitting on the books...and the title to the top book added a special charm.

    Have a fun week.

  4. We to live in a "cozy" home...hehehe. I bet your little one had a blast playing in the snow and I love her snowman.

    All your Spring decorations are beautiful. I too LOVE those old books to decorate with. I am always on the lookout. Hope you have a great Monday.

  5. I remember those pieces. I love what you have done with all of it. I will have to post my snow pictures.

  6. I just love that she wanted Frosty to come alive.

    Love all of your old books. Esp. the yellow ones. They are just full of cheer.

  7. I love all your great spring touches! Enjoy your snow!

  8. love the forsythia. blooming already in Ga? not here yet!!

  9. Thank you for the beautiful pictures of the snoooooooooooww!!

    M ^..^

  10. i noticed you commented on my header. you are soooo sweet. i paid someone to do it. however, i've seen soooooo many awesome blogs that people designed themselves at i think that's right. i still get a kick out of everything you had to do for the kids to enjoy the weather. they must have just been tickled pink with the snow.

  11. You have a lovely home!!

    Yes, we here from the north (Michigan) got sick and tired of all of our snow so we thought we'd share it with all you southern gals :), OK!! LOL Now, send us your sunshine and warmth please!!



  12. Brrrrrr...I love the contrast between the snow OUTSIDE and spring INSIDE!!! Both are lovely! :-)

  13. Victoria~I can't believe the snow y'all got! How fun! I love your spring centerpiece and the forsynthia (did I spell that right??) branches are beautiful~snow and spring in the same post~who-da thought? :)

  14. Oh my goodness! I love the snowman! I also really love the yellow flower arrangement!
