Monday, March 30, 2009

A little birdie...

has been waking me up lately! Actually it's several of them at my bird feeder in the front yard. I love the happy, cheerful sounds but it annoys my husband to no end (he's not a morning person). :)

I found this little birdie for 55 cents at Goodwill and after seeing all the rabbits and birds that everyone has spray painted I wanted to try my hand at it.

I was pleased with the results...

How about under a cloche and on a pedestal that I found at Goodwill. I love how Cherry has painted different items to use as pedestals and I may just paint this one once the sun comes out again.

Speaking of sun....I am so ready to see the sun again here in Ga! We just finished a rainy weekend. We went from sunny blue skies with temps in the 70's to rainy, dreary and cold for two of the last three weekends. :( Blah, blah, blah (sorry all you folks that need rain ~ we actually do too but I am weary of it!).

Although I didn't fully "unplug" Friday as I do some work from home so I have to check work email , I was more conscious of my time and spending more of it with my daughter. We did this until I was too cold to take it anymore.

She had a ball!
After hot chocolate and a warm bath we dyed some of our Easter Eggs.

Sweet Girl was rather proud of them.

It made me feel good to have a "good Mommy day" after a week of hormonal imbalance! Believe me, earlier in the week we did very little besides watch Curious George!

Have a wonderful Monday. I'm off to enjoy some sunshine before it starts raining again tomorrow.



  1. Your little Goodwill birdie turned out GREAT and looks perfect under the cloche.

    Looks like you and your daughter had a great time and her eggs look WONDERFUL!!

  2. Oh, the little bird is so cute. I just love it-it turned out perfectly.
    Love the cloche and of course the stand it's on.

    Me and the kiddos had a good time oohing and ahhing over little sweet girls rain pictures. It looks like she has so much fun.

  3. girl, you have been busy, busy, busy.
    thanks much for sharing!

  4. Your Goodwill birdie turned out beautifully! :)

    ~ Sarah

  5. I can not belive we have not started with easter eggs yet, I am way behind. So cute.

  6. Enjoy the sunshine, and your little birdie turned out great!

  7. Your bird looks so pretty! Spray paint is marvelous isn't it! My daughter used to just LOVE playing in the rain splashing in the puddles, getting soooo wet and then coming inside for snuggle and some hot chocolate. She's 17 now so those days are over! Looks like you two had a great time!


  8. I love the little tweet. It looks like sweet girl had fun too and I am sure she enjoyed a week of George, I know I would :)

  9. What a great redo--I have been looking for ugly bunnies to paint, but haven't found any.

  10. Wow! Your little bird made quite a transformation! Looks great! I'm loving your cloche! (I keep looking at GW but have yet to find one there!)

    What a sweet day you had with you daughter. She looked like she was positively having a blast! = ) Looks like some great memories were made!

    Explored your blog for quite awhile at lunch time today...what a great place! = )

  11. I'm lovin' all the white spray painted birds out here in blogland. I think I need to get to Goodwill this week!

    It looks like your daughter had a great time in the rain...and working on your Easter eggs. Yay, for mommy/daughter time!

  12. Love the birdie under the cloche! very cute...and so it your daughter. Sounds like a good weekend, we don't get much rain in CA so when we do I love to go out and play in it like your would think I was 5 again when it rains! :)

  13. Christina thank you for your kind words about my cousin it means alot to me!

  14. I really like the bird! I really really like it under the glass!

  15. Yay for spraypaint and a Goodwill birdie! I love it!

    And yay for playing in the rain while you were unplugged just a bit.

