Monday, February 23, 2009

Valentine's last hurrah

I know, I know, Valentine's Day is over and everyone has their Spring decor out already but I don't want to pack mine away yet. The red and pink is still making me happy. :)

I bought these babies on clearance at Target. I want to eat them!
I took an old Smuckers jar and filled it with sale M&M's. Let me tell you people, the Dark Chocolate Peanut M&M's are out of this world! LOVE them!

My Sweet Girl and I started some seeds and I needed something to place the cups in. I pulled out an old dish that I bought at a yard sale and think they look much sweeter nestled inside.

Hello basil and tomatoes
Sweet Girl's Valentine tree.

Old fashioned hot cocoa made with milk and cocoa powder. Just what Mommy and Sweet Girl needed...
Hope you have a beautiful Monday, surrounded by all the things that make you smile.



  1. I need a cup of that hot chocolate and one of those candies. Too bad the candies aren't real.

  2. Looks great! Hot cocoa sounds wonderful right now. It's so cold today!

  3. I was just thinking the same thing that Christina said!

    Victoria, thanks for your comment on my blog. It was sweet and made me smile.

    Take Nester's advice and just go for it! In my book, everything is temporary. Even the rooms I consider to be "complete" will need a tune-up every little while. So put on your Brave Pants and paint something! :)

  4. Victoria~I love it all too. I just took mine down and I was kind of sad when I did. I don't know if the cute fake chocolates would make me want to go buy some real ones, or if it would help me lose weight by just thinking about I love the shower curtain in your bathroom~especially with the brown paint. Good for you for starting your tomatoes and basil and for sharing a cup of cocoa with your sweet girl. Sounds perfect right now :)

  5. Hey, here in Michigan I didn't decorate yet for Spring - it's a ways off for us. I am doing the St. Patrick's Day decor inbetween I think.



  6. I am sooo happy you stopped by my blog and told me your dreams!!

    I wish you had a follow button. I really want to follow your blog. I LOVE IT. I'm suppose to be working on this giveaway thing.....I ened up spending 30 min looking at your blog.!!!

  7. I am right there with you I didn't want to put my up either!

  8. Mmmm hot chocolate... that counts for water.. right??? I've got to make me some! I love your chair on the front entrance.

  9. That hot chocolate looks yummy, think I will go fix some. Jackie
