Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's Time to Talk of Many Things

Spray paint is in the air here at my home today. After a trip to Goodwill last week with Victoria, it was about time to get busy with a find or two.

If you are like me, often my finds are not to be used as is. There is often a vision.

So, here is my little basket thingy. Of course, it needs paint--couldn't leave it alone.

So while it dries, I have to mention something that bugs me. This basket was $1.71 at our local Goodwill. Much better than many of the prices there. Every time I see something that speaks to me, I joke, "Is it $14.95?" The prices at our store are very often ridiculous! Victoria saw a really pretty mirror, that would also require a makeover w/paint. The price...$38.00. What!!! We may could buy a new one for that amount, or at least close. Last year Victoria found something from Target's dollar spot marked for $2.55. She said that the $1.00 tag was still on it. It seems in blogland that some of the Goodwill prices are much more reasonable than others. How are the prices at your Goodwill?

So, now that I've gotten that off my chest and given my basket a second coat, let me tell you about another little find from this weekend.

The fabric behind my little basket thingy above is by Laurie Smith, of Trading Spaces fame. My introduction to Laurie was not on TS as I have only watched show maybe twice all the way through and it's just not my cuppa. My introduction was from her book, Discovering Home with Laurie Smith.

I bought this book several years ago at Hancock Fabrics. She had designed a line of wonderful fabrics for them, though they didn't seem to do all that well. Maybe Hancock's was not the place for the contemporary edge that her fabrics had. The piece pictured above was a small remnant that I found under a pile of other fabrics this past weekend. Though I would have loved to have found the golden color of this same pattern, we will find something to do with this eventually and the price tag of $1.00 was great.

If you ever have a chance to pick up her book, which is now deeply discounted at places like Wal-mart and Amazon, do. If you love classic with a twist of contemporary, you will enjoy flipping through this book. I really enjoyed seeing her personal home, a 50's ranch, remodeled and decorated and the thought that went on behind it. The finished product is just lovely.

Here you see her living room. It is full of wonderful fabrics, furniture and the classic/contemporary mix that I love.

Here she shows a vingette on the same table, but changes out the lamp shade and the other displayed items.

There are also a few photos from inside the book on Amazon.

So my basket is dry and ready to hang, which is great as the rain has just arrived. I have this niche in the kitchen that is very awkward. I'm adding the basket here for pens, pencils and scissors. A small vase tucked inside one of the spaces allows me to add some fresh rosemary from my yard. Adding a small bowl, also thrifted for 10cents, adds just the needed touch to fill in the empty space on the wall.

I didn't have a plate hanger, so I did a very "bad" thing. Hot glue and a ribbon=plate hanger.

Disclaimer: Only do this if you don't have a huge attachment to something. Though I've done this many times and never had anything to fall, I don't want to be the cause of great aunt Gertrude's beautiful china falling and breaking. Make sure to mush the glue around with the tip of the glue gun and glue, glue, glue to get it to adhere very well.

Every item in this vignette came from a thrift store, or was given to me except for the lamp shade(from Ross), the burlap ribbon(Michael's)and the crown knob (Hobby Lobby).

I am participating in Diane's (A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words) 2nd Time Around Tuesday.

Please visit her site to see what others have to show and tell about.


  1. I LOVE what you did with that basket. I find that our Goodwill is kind of pricey. I would rather shop a little thrift store that has much better prices.

    I don't watch TS much but when I have seen her room make-overs I have always loved them. I might have to get that book....I bet I would enjoy it.

    I think you have done a great job with your vignette in that space...LOVE it!♥

  2. The basket looks great, as does the rest of the space. I love what you've done with it!

    I haven't touched any of my finds yet, but Mom has her lamp up and is using her basket already!

  3. Christina, I LOVE your finds! The basket makeover is awesome and I WANT that lamp I already have a shade and can't find a lamp. Speaking of ... I keep checking my Goodwill which prices are HIGH! They want a LOT for some of the 'junk' items that I could find at a junk store or on clearance at Target for less! I am blown away by some of the bloggers that post their very 'cheap' finds at their Goodwills. My Salvation Army has better prices just not nearly the amount of 'stuff'. Happy Hunting!

  4. Great thrift store finds! I, too, have noticed some ridiculous prices at GW. It depends on the person that prices them, I've been told. This guy behind me questioned why identical items were priced differently. The checker told him it just depends on who priced them, and they won't change the prices. So, he paid different prices for each identical item. I guess that's what makes it even more exciting when I do find a gem at GW. Lately it's been fabric.

  5. Love your hanging basket makeover! I too am devoted to thrifting. Our Salvation Army Store has great prices, and when the odd thing is a bit higher priced, I try to get it during one of their 50% off sale days. Keep on thrifting, I say!

  6. I would have passed the basket by...I love what you did with it! Perfect in that space.
    I don't even bother going to Goodwill anymore. They are so overpriced it's ridiculous, though I do see some people have much better ones than I have.
    I enjoyed looking at your blog!

  7. The basket looks great, and I'm a big Laurie Smith fan.

    Our goodwill seems kind of pricey too.

  8. I agree some Goodwill are expensive. I feel bad since some of the stuff is needed for needy people they are ripping them off. Like $3 hats and gloves? Come on we donate it so it should be like 25 cents to help someone. The homegoods can be a rip too and clothes. Some of the Goodwill or thrift stores are cheap here though, each one out of the 20 we have seems to have different prices. Love the basket with forks and stuff so cute, how are you?

  9. That basket turned out beautiful and I love how you displayed it on the wall. I have never seen that book, I'll have to check it out!

  10. I agree that GW is often too expensive. I went to one near where I work a time or two, but I can get clearance items brand new at a store for the prices for things in there. I am working on getting better at thrifty shopping. I'll have to go with you sometime.

    I would love to look at that book the next time I'm at your house. Oh, I mean the first time. . . hehe. Love ya!!

    I love your basket makeover!!!! From the pictures I have seen we have such similar taste and I love your creative ideas.

  11. Love it!

    You really made all the items flow together to make a wonderful statement in that location of your home.

    I had never thought of fixing a plate hanger like that...I have seen interesting plates but hate the way a "hanger" looks around them...so this opens a new world of decorating for me. Sure I would not hang my grandmother's 100 year plate that I have..but other yard sale ones I would.

    When we had a goodwill here the prices were very reasonable...but I have gone to some thrift stores and the prices were out of sight. I know the money goes for a good cause but ....

  12. Hi Christina,
    The basket looks wonderful! You certainly have an eye for the potential in things!

    Thanks so much for linking to 2nd Time Around Tuesday!

  13. Love your GW re-do ideas. Our GW prices here sometimes are very ridiculous, and we have so many people shopping to re-sell it is hard to find those great buys. Glad you had a wonderful Valentines party. Jackie

  14. I love your baskets! Some of our thrift stores are the same way its very annoying!

  15. I love everything you did! The basket looks great and I love that plate hanging on the wall! Cute!

  16. Everything looks great. Sometimes our goodwill is a little pricey-just not that pricey. Thaat is a little ridiculous.
    I love the plate idea. It really works eh? Ribbon and hot glue. Genius!! I love Laurie-she was always a favorite of mine.
    it all looks wonderful!!!
