Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The starting of a Bench Project and 7 random things about me

So, hope everyone's year is off to a great start. My posting has been few and far between since Christmas, but Victoria has bravely forged ahead. That is partly why we decided to blog together. If one of us is busy, crazy, having wildly raging hormones, we can help each other out. So, glad to be back.

Today I started a project that involved a very scary ragged bench, which I paid $2.00 for. It may have been to much for this:

But not too much for the vision I have for it.

I took the disgusting vinyl cover off, under that was another gross piece of fabric which was dry rotted. The side wood peices were too brittle and were falling apart, so gluing was out of the question. I just decided to tear this all out. It fell apart in my hands. Here is it all striped of fabric and splinter-y wood pieces:

Getting started on the paint job:

Stay tuned for the reveal tomorrow. I realized after one coat of paint that I need to run to Home Depot for more. That is how it goes around here.

Jackie at Empty Nest Full Life tagged us for the "7 random things about myself." Here goes.

1. I have a terrible memory. Seriously. There are times that I cannot remember my age or even my phone number. I draw a total blank. It can be scary.

2. Love,love magazines. It is a great day when one comes in the mail. Usually I save it until my kids are in bed and I dive in and enjoy. Right now I am enjoying, Country Living (gift from sis-in-law), House Beautiful (gift from sis-in law), Veranda (just ok), Better Homes and gardens and Southern Living.

3. I am a major procrastinator. It is often because if I can't do something over the top or perfectly, it is easier just not to do it.

4.My love of photography is growing everyday. I am still an amateur, but have aspirations of becoming more than that. Practice, practice, practice is my motto for 2009.

5. Love, love, love candles. My newest, a Christmas gift from my son, is Vanilla Cupcake from Yankee Candle. Oh my, it is yummy.

6. Cool and cold weather is my friend. Love it. Summer is not my friend and around here it lasts forever. I am always glad to see winter come.

7. I enjoy sleeping in on the weekend. I will skip all sorts of thing to enjoy some extra zzzzzzz's.

Mmmm, need to tag some people for "7 Random Things about Myself."

How about,

Sarah She is the lovely girl in the picture with her cat above.
Victoria (cheating here since she blogs here w/me, but you may want to hear from her)

If any of you have already been tagged or have done this before or are just too busy, I understand. Have a great Tuesday everyone. I hope to see you back here tomorrow afternoon for my bench reveal.


  1. The Yankee Candle sounds heavenly! ;) Maybe it's because I am hungry right now.

    Can't wait to see the bench!

  2. I can't wait to see the finished bench. I love sleep too! And Yankee candles are the best. Loved your pictures.

  3. Vic,

    I wanted something sweet one night and we didn't have anything in the house. Rob said to open up my candle and sniff it. :0 It really smells just like a delish cupcake.

  4. What beautiful pictures!!! I love your style~

  5. $2 is a great buy, it will look great, now to sit on it, will it work? It will be awesome though,I will get to the tag soon, thanks for including me.

  6. Can't wait to see the bench!

    Enjoying getting to know you better. Sorry it has taken 7 years or so. =)

    Have a great day!!

  7. I love your bench. I can't believe what a great deal that was. Vanilla is one of my favorite scents too!

  8. I can't wait to see the bench reveal. LOVE Yankee Candles also all of them smell so fabulous! Your pictures are wonderful and they already look professional to me! I too am magazine addicted, I get WAY TOO MANY!

  9. Yum Yankee Candle's are always so great smelling! I just saw that you tagged me and I've done it about 6 times now. I don't think I have anything left to tell LOL! Thanks for thinking of me though!


  10. Thanks for mentioning my blog! I'm catching up on my reading at the moment. I've missed a lot of posts from you. It's kinda fun to have all these new posts to read though.
