Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yard sales

Christina, Sarah and I had the privilege of hitting some yard sales together on Saturday. Most every sale except for one had things very cheap! I can't wait for Christina & Sarah to show off their big finds!

I bought this bread box for $1 at the yard sale where the lady kept saying "oh did my husband put that out? I didn't want to sell that!". She told Christina that she was out the night before with a flashlight looking for her stuff. :)

I bought this old trunk (?) for $2 to make an ottoman. Does anyone know anything about painting vinyl? I know I can recover the top but the bottom I am not sure about.

Here are some of the vintage fabric finds and ornaments from the same yard sale. I think with the trunk I paid $4.50 for everything!

An angel to top my Sweet Girl's Christmas tree.

Lantern to go out in the yard. I bought two of varying heights.

Some Country Home magazines to peruse...

I liked the frame of this picture and the chalkboard was 25 cents.

Bud vase given to me at one yard sale where I spent $2.

There were also these, which we didn't buy. :)



  1. WOW...looks like you found some FABULOUS goodies!!! Sounds like it all was great prices too!! I absolutely LOVE those lanterns and the angel for your daughters tree.

  2. Great finds!

    I have seen bread boxes like those on Vintage Etsy for about $35, so if you don't want it, I am sure you could sell it on there.

    What are those last photos? Or are they ginormous paintings of people? lol Wonder who would want them? The frames are nice though.

    Our yard saling is pretty much over here in MI. Which is probably a good thing, I don't have any more room to put anything! lol

    Bella :)

  3. Great finds! Love the angel, heck I like all the stuff you got.

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE that bread box. The portraits on the other hand... yikes. No wonder you didnt buy them, kind of creepy and huge!

  5. You captured some wonderful treasures at the yard sales on Saturday...I would arm wrestle for some of them - no just kidding I don't do that kind of activity (too old and out of shape).

    Be sure to show us what you did with them in the decorating field.

  6. You did good! I love the bread box.

  7. You found some great things! I'm jealous...I couldn't go garage saling last weekend due to having our own, and now this week I'm sick so probably won't get to go this weekend either :(

  8. Great goodies from the yard sale. I really like the frame on the flag and the flag itself would be a great July 4th picture for a mantel. I saw lots on blogs this
    4th. I covered and ottoman and posted on it a while back. Yours would be totally easy to do. E-mail me and I can give you the details of how to do this. Jackie

  9. Wow! That's hilarious that they were selling those portraits! What in the world?!?! I really like that frame you got, how cute! Was it a window in a past life? The angel tree topper is so pretty. I can't wait to see it in person.

  10. I wouldn't want to sell that great bread box, Wonderful find!!
    A depressed economy makes for great garage or yard sale deals. Take a look at the free online garage sales.

    Good Luck

  11. What great bargains! Who would buy those pictures? Wait....someone smarter than me would probably realize they could use the canvas for something and the frame for another. I never think outside the box.


  12. Oh, you found some GREAT things! I wish I was with you! That bread box is to die for and that frame with the handle?? Love it!
