Monday, October 27, 2008

It's The Little Things

I have decided to make the "It's The Little Things" posts a weekly occurrence.

It's the Little Things Fall Day version.

A brand new nephew born to my brother John and his beautiful wife Michelle. We are so happy to welcome little Caleb into our family.

A fresh new Better Homes and Gardens that I didn't have because my subscription lapsed, found at a garage sale this weekend for $1.00. It may seem like a lot for a yard sale magazine, but I was looking for this one last week at the grocery store and willing to pay full price. I look forward to perusing it tonight after the kids are tucked in tight.

A little Halloween banner that I made while watching tv last week, that my son wanted to put on his bedroom door. The letters were from Matthew Mead's site and the silver foil is flattened cupcake holders. I have an idea in the works for a Thanksgiving banner.

A full fruit bowl. Tart Granny Smith apples, a favorite of my son, and some honey crisp and galas for the others in our home. Ripe bananas that need to be made into banana muffins that will warm up a chilly morning.

The beautiful late afternoon sun beaming amber light against the trees as it goes down.

A plump pumpkin waiting to be carved into a robot. The winning idea of all of the household.

The remains of a sweet little birds nest left from spring.

The welcoming light of a lamp after coming in from walking the dog on a chilly evening.

A butternut squash that is waiting to be made into something yummy along with some pickled peaches that have been in the cabinet (please don't notice the dust) waiting for a good fall meal.

Lovely little fall leaf. These are among some of the first trees to change colors in Georgia.

A daughter's sweetness.
Have you ever seen the movie Dreamer? I found this while in the backyard today. I guess this is my daughter's interpretation of a scene in that movie.


  1. What a great post love all the pictures!

  2. What a great post!!! It is just the little things that bring such joy to our lives!!

  3. So enjoyed this post of the "little things". If everyone would take the time to appreciate these small wonders the world would be a much better place.

    Thanks for reminding me to slow down and smell the roses.

  4. Yup, it's the little things that all add up to make the "big picture."



  5. Love all the little things! Esp the butternut squash "ghost". Can't wait to see the robot pumpkin! We carved our pumpkin last night in the cold.

  6. Yes, we all need to take time to appreciate the little things in our life!! Great post!

  7. Great all the little things that matter to one. Look forward to seeing more little things that matter. I might have to copy this...we all need to be thankful for the little things that matter.

  8. Isn't Caleb just the cutest? Those apples look delish!
