Friday, October 24, 2008


Christina and I have been tagged by Meg to do the "fourth of fourth". The instructions were to pick the fourth picture from your fourth picture file and then describe it. I was scared to open the fourth folder to see the fourth picture but when I did I was pleasantly surprised!

This picture is of mine and Christina's whole family in 2005. Christina and I are two of six siblings. On the far left is my youngest brother James and his wife Meg. Next to them is our sister Beth, who is the seamstress and baker in the family, her husband Matt who is in Seminary and their 3 boys. My baby sister Beka, the college gal and Ga Beef Ambassador, is next then my brother John. This picture was taken before John and his wife Michelle married in 2007. We are so excited for them because just today she was admitted to the hospital to have their first baby! After John is my ever so funny hubs and myself along with Sweet Girl, who had no hair and looked like a boy! Christina and her awesome chili/bbq making husband Rob are on the far right with their 2 kiddos. Papa and Grandmommy are sitting in front.

I have always loved being a part of a large family! I always had someone to play with when I was growing up and to this day my sisters are my best friends. Our family get-together's are full of laughter and lots of noise! The kids all LOVE to play with their cousins and they are so excited that my parents just bought a new house that has a "Command Central" (aka bonus room) for them.

This is what I figured the fourth pic in the fourth folder would look like...

I almost forgot to tag someone...let's see...
Rambling Girl

Don't forget to enter for our giveaway in yesterday's post!
You have until Sun night.



  1. Well, that is a GREAT picture.

    I have been tagged by someone else to do this too and will do it this weekend. Thanks for thinking of me!!!

  2. Hi, I just ran across your blog, I am just lovin' blogging I am in Nursing school and boy is my life crazy. I am a wife of a very busy husband and a mama to 3 wonderfully hyper childern... GOD HELP ME... Just wanted to say love you blog..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
