Tuesday, September 9, 2008

a good book and various other things...

Last night I was weary and while hubs was bathing my sweet girl I decided to grab a book off of my bookshelf and put my feet up and read. Every year about this time I find myself wanting to read Jan Karon's Mitford series. For some reason it makes me think of Fall and warm soup bubbling on the stove. Yes, it was 87 degrees here in Atlanta yesterday but again I have been thinking and dreaming of Fall.

We had a baby shower this weekend for my SIL and I made a frame for the baby's room. Believe me, I am NOT a crafty person, or rather I haven't been in several years, so this was a big deal to me. The pictures aren't great but you'll get the idea. I bought the wooden frame on clearance at Michael's for .79 cents. I bought a sheet of scrapbook paper and modge-podged it on and then glued ribbon across it. I kept wanting to add the baby's name but wasn't creative enough to come up with the best way to do it.

Her gift was a mixture of diaper products, plus changing pad, pad covers, sheets, etc. I used a tag from last Christmas that I had dipped in coffee as shown here on Dawn's website last year and stamped Caleb's name on it.

Lastly, my green lamp I showed in this post caught on fire the other night! We were sitting in the LR when hubs said "oh, oh" and jumped up and turned off the lamp and unplugged it. Now he thinks I am out to kill him with my antique lamps!!! He he he.

~ Victoria ~


  1. CUTE, cute....love the baby's frame, and the gift tag is great...thanks for the link on how to make them.

    Oh my, I can't believe your lamp caught on fire...that is scary!!

  2. I really need to read this series!! I've heard it is great!

    Thanks for entering the giveaway!

  3. Oh, I just love the Mitford series. Great books & so heartwarming.

  4. That's quite funny!
    I just began to read the Mitford series over again for the same reason. lol :)

  5. I remember you telling me about the lamp, but I couldn't picture it until know. That's so funny. That picture frame looked like you bought it like that. It looked so smooth and seamless. I didn't even see that tag for the gift basket. That's so creative!

  6. I am proud of you for the crafting Vic. Also those are some very tastefully done fakes. I will definitely have to do and inventory of my own.
