Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Another great yard sale find!

Just last Friday I found a darling table & 4 chairs for $40 at a yard sale! They caught my eye because my friend has wanted a table that she can paint and I figured for $40 it was a steal. The chairs became my passion after I got them home. I kept looking at the lines and thinking how well they would go in my own dining room with a coat of black paint on them.

I am showing you a picture of the table out on my carport. One down side to all the yard sale shopping I have been doing is that, much to my husbands dismay, we are beginning to look like Sanford & Sons!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! My husband and I hum the tune to Sanford and Sons! I talked him into dumpster diving (once) and it was not his thing, but we did come away with two chairs that I have yet to spray paint. One will hold a plant for my porch.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
