Friday, June 27, 2008

Thrifting, dumpster diving and laughter

What could make for a better day? I had so much fun Saturday. I spent the day with my two older sisters (baby sis is away at college so she couldn't join us) and my sweet girl (who wasn't so sweet) thrifting, dumpster diving, laughing and enjoying ourselves.

I was so disappointed that I forgot my camera because there were some great pictures just asking to be taken! Our first stop was the Salvation Army in Avondale Estates (where the 3 of us sisters grew up). We found several delightful items including this darling creamer for $1.49

and these funky American Eagle shorts for our baby brother for $2.99.

Our next stop was Finders Keepers where I found an amazing sofa that I would love to have but am not ready for yet. It is such a neat store to browse if you are ever in the area.

Let's see, after that we went looking for a place to eat lunch. Somehow I took a wrong turn into a beautiful neighborhood and we came across some yard sales where I found this brand spanking new Home Interiors candle for 50 cents. Now I don't particularly care for Home Interiors decor but their candles are wonderful! At 50 cents this has to be one of the best finds of the day!

I also found this yellow trash can for $1 that will be perfect for my sweet girl's room once I paint it.

In our riding we came across 2 chairs on the side of the road. There was also a dumpster at this house so my oldest sis Chris and I got out and left our cowardly embarrassed sister Beth in the van with sweet girl. If she would have thought about it I have no doubt Beth would have jumped in the drivers seat and taken off without us! Anyhoo, Christina was interested in one of the chairs on the side of the road so while she was checking it out, I climbed up on the side of the dumpster to peer in. I immediately saw a beautiful oak chair that I started tugging on (see, if I had my camera Beth would have no doubt been snapping pictures in the hopes that I would end up in the dumpster) and finally managed to pull to safety. I then spotted the chair bottom so I managed to grab it, a brand new full/queen bed ensemble still in the bag and some beautiful robins egg blue silk curtains! Wow, what incredible finds for my first ever dumpster dive!

While trying to make our way back to civilization we came across this on the side of the road.

Laughing like maniacs, Chris and I jumped out again (much to the dismay of Beth) and managed to cram it in the back of my van (thank goodness the back seat was still out from our recent trip to the beach).

We finally ate lunch around 2pm at 5th Earl Market where we had paninis and sandwiches with names like Duke of Earl, The Abbey, Constable, etc. Everything was heavenly!

After that we made a trip to the Dekalb International Farmers Market which was so crowded but interesting as always. Christina and her family frequent the market and cook with so many of the neat ingredients that can be found there so she stocked up on some much needed items I had never heard of. Beth and I perused the items with interest but opted for things we know and love such as raspberries, chocolate cream-cheese croissants, pine nuts, dried cranberries, etc. My sweet girl loved seeing the HUGE catfish, blue crabs, lobsters, crawdads (ewww) and other seafood.

Finally we headed back home, a worn out, but happy group!

1 comment:

  1. Christina, thank you for the comment on my blog! Yes, roasted cauliflower is the only way to cauliflower! :) So yummy!

    Looks like you all had a successful day scavenging. How fun! I totally would be out in the dumpster instead of cowering in the car! :)
