Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Drum roll please....

So now it's my turn to wow everyone. He he! I am married to my high school sweetheart and best friend. He makes me laugh on a daily basis, which is really why I married him! I am a SAH/WPT (work part-time) Mom to my sweet girl, who just happened to turn 3 today. I absolutely LOVE being a Mom and think by far it is the best thing I have ever done.

I am considered by most to be outgoing but have noticed that I am becoming more reticent as I grow older. I have ADD when it comes to cleaning my house or doing a project. I tend to get overwhelmed easily and have to call my sisters to help me pull it all together. Some days I feel like I am just trying to hold on and get through the day with my sweet girl and I in one piece. There are other days when I have it all together (whatever that means) but unfortunately those days are few and far between and typically it all falls apart the next day. I tend to roll with the punches and fly by the seat of my pants, which is horrifying to my plan everything husband.

I am a Christian and trying to learn more about what it actually means to be a follower of Christ instead of just attending church as I've done all my life.

I have a very interesting (or so my friends say) family that I love dearly. My sisters are my best friends, constant encouragement and support whenever I need it.

I am excited about blogging with my sis and seeing where the road takes us.

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